Health Triangle
Health Status
Mental Emotional, Family/Social, Physical
What are the three parts of the health triangle?
There are ten factors that can affect one's health status. Name three.
What is Knowledge, access to health information, behaviors, responses to influence, communication, resistance, and conflict resolution skills, decisions a person makes, person’s advocacy skills, heredity, environment, random events and risks
What does the risk of driving without a seatbelt entail and categorize this risk.
This is a unnecessary risk that can lead to a long term effect of losing your license and getting fined, along with someone getting severely injured if you were to crash or even lead to someone dying.
What enables you to take responsibility for your health?
Practicing life skills
A standard or belief-guiding principles
What are values?
What are some examples of things that are apart of the mental emotional part of the triangle?
Being able to deal with stress, making smart decisions, being mentally strong, etc.
What is an example of using your health knowledge?
Ex: deciding to wear sunscreen when the sun is hot out, the long term effect being not getting skin cancer
Name an example of a beneficial risk that someone can experience.
Ex: Asking a girl to prom and her saying yes.
Name the first step to making a decision in the decision making process.
State the problem
What is a good character?
A person who uses self control to act on responsible values
Quality of life including the mental emotional part, family social part and physical part
What does health mean?
What is a health service?
Help that is provided by a healthcare facility or a health care provided
What is the definition of risk?
A chance that has an unknown outcome.
How do your values affect the decisions you make?
Your values make your personality, so everyone is unique in that they have different beliefs based on their personality as to what is right and wrong
Name some of the universal values (2 at most).
Honesty, trustworthiness, social justice, self control, responsibility.
How do placebos affect your body?
Its an inactive substance that tricks the mind and makes your brain think you are getting better when in reality you aren’t
The sum of the possible of the positive and negative influences on a person and their well being.
What is health status?
What are the risks you face when going out with your friends when going out to the mall the night before a test?
Ex: You don’t study and end up failing the test, you spend all of the money you have saved up.
What are some positives ways that your friends affect your decisions?
Ex: They can act as support and help you make the right decisions.
The degree to which a person regulates his or her own behavior
What is self control
What happens if the triangle becomes unbalanced?
The other parts of the triangle are affected in a bad way, causing your overall health to suffer
Something that increases the odds of a positive outcome.
What is a protective factor?
How do your friends affect the risks that you take?
They can influence your choices that you make; peer pressure
Imagine you are in a abusive relationship, what is the best step to make?
Leave the relationship and find some help if you feel threatened.
Why is it important to know you values?
So that you can use them to make decisions and know who you are as a person.