What is the number 1 job in Health Science as far as projected growth by 2031?
Registered Nurse
What is a “Hard Skill”?
Hard skills are specific abilities, or capabilities, that an individual can possess and demonstrate in a measured way
What is a “Soft Skill”?
Soft skills are interpersonal and behavioral skills that help you work well with other people and develop your career.
What is the number 1 company for Health Science Jobs in Ohio?
Cleveland Clinic
Number 1 hard skill in Health Science in Ohio?
Number 1 soft skill in Health Science in Ohio?
What is the number 2 job, in Health Science, as far as projected job growth by 2031?
Psychiatric Aide
Number 1 supply and demand jobs in Health Science in Ohio?
Transportation and material moving occupation
Number 2 soft skill in Health Science in Ohio?
Customer Service
What is the number 2 company for Health Science Jobs in Ohio?
Number 2 hard skill in Health Science in Ohio?
Basic Life Support
Why does everyone need soft skills
soft skills are an essential part of improving one's ability to work with others and can have a positive influence on furthering your career.
Number 1 supply and demand jobs in Health Science in Ohio?
Transportation and material moving occupation
Are Hard skills mandatory
Yes you need them they are mandatory like cpr
do you think you need soft skills
Yes soft Skills are mandatory to socialize with your coworker