1st Skill
Critical Thinking
Exercise and Athletic Training
they care for rehabilitation of athletic injuries and therapeutic exercise.
What is the number 1 company for Health Science Jobs in Ohio?
Cleveland Clinic
Number 1 hard skill in Health Science in Ohio?
What is a common way to prevent injuries with athletes?
2nd Skill
Information literacy
Health Science and Technology
They use fundamental skills in effective and safe patient care that can be applied across a person’s lifespan.
What is the number 2 job, in Health Science, as far as projected job growth by 2031?
Psychiatric Aide
What is a “Soft Skill”?
Interpersonal skills that help you with communication.
What degree does an athletic trainer need?
Bachelors or masters
3rd Skill
Information management
Principles and Practices of Biomedical Technologies
Use concepts, procedures, and equipment common to make predictions and conclusions
What is the number 2 company for Health Science Jobs in Ohio?
Number 1 soft skill in Health Science in Ohio?
True or False?Athletic trainers must abide by HIPPA laws just like all other medical professionals?
4th Skill
Health Information Technology
Knowledge and skills in techniques for managing and maintaining electronic health data
Number 1 supply and demand jobs in Health Science in Ohio?
Transportation and material moving occupation
Number 2 hard skill in Health Science in Ohio?
Basic Life Support
True of False? Empathy and connection are essential skills for doctors.
5th and 6th Skills
Problem solving
What is the number 1 job in Health Science as far as projected growth by 2031?
Registered Nurse
What is a “Hard Skill”?
Specific abilities a person can possess
Number 2 soft skill in Health Science in Ohio?
Customer Service
True or False? A doctor must be able to translate complex information to patients and if not, someone else can do it for them.