High School Diploma
What is the required education level for a Dietitian?
Bachelors Degree
What education level is required for Nursing?
Associate or Bachelor's Degree
What education level is required for a Medical Assistant?
Postsecondary nondegree award
What education level is required for a Radiologist?
Post-doctoral training or bachelor’s degree
What education level is required for Medical Coding Speacialist?
Highschool diploma or GED
What education level is required for a Dental Assisant?
Postsecondary nondegree award
What education level is required for a Nutritionist?
Bachelor's Degree
What education level is required for a Personal Trainer?
Bachelor's Degree
What education level is required for an Athletic Trainer?
Master's Degree
What education level is required for an OTA?
Associate Degree
What education level is required for a Veterinary Assistant?
High School Diploma or GED
What is a hard and soft skill for an EMT?
Hard Skill - Properly administering oxygen, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skills
What is a hard and soft skill for a Dietitian?
Hard Skill - Written Communication and Math Skills, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skils
What is a hard and soft skill for Nurisng?
Hard Skill - IV insertion, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skills
What is a hard and soft skill for a Medical Assistant?
Hard Skill - Recording Patients Vitals, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skills
Hard Skill - Basic Life Support, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skills
What is a hard and soft skill for a Medical Cosing Specialist?
Hard Skill - Competency with Computer Software, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skills
What is a hard and soft skill for a Dental Assistant?
Hard Skill - Basic knowledge of dental medicine, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skills
What is a hard and soft skill for a Nutrionist?
Hard Skill - Keen interest in the impact of diet on health, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skills
What is a hard and soft skill for a Personal Trainer?
Hard Skill - Marketing, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skills
What is a hard and soft skill for an Athletic Trainer?
Hard Skill - Medical Wrapping, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skills
What is a hard and soft skill for an OTA?
Hard Skill - Medical, Neurological, and Anatomical Expertise, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skills
What is a hard and soft skill for a Veterinary Assistant?
Hard Skill - A Passion for Animals, etc.
Soft Skill - 21st Century Skills