Healthcare Career Roles
The Business of Caring
Growth and Development Throughout the Life Span
Communication in Health Care
Healthcare and the Law

This is a document proving that one is qualified to do a certain job

What is certification


This is the federal agency that oversees and approves the distribution of medicines and medical devices

What is the Food and Drug administration (FDA)


These are basic survival needs, including air, food, water, shelter, clothing, and sleep

What are physiological needs


A communications technique used in many professions to listen with full attention to the person speaking

What is Active Listening


Written document that directs medical personnel to refrain from initiating lifesaving measures if the patient's heart or breathing has stopped

What is Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)


Career Track of jobs that work directly with improving the health of a patient over time and work directly with patients

What is Therapeutic Services


This is the part of the cost of healthcare that individuals pay, while the rest is covered by insurance payments

What is a copayment/copay


This is the state of being happy, healthy, and able to reach one's potential

What is wellbeing


Information gathered through a person's five senses or through laboratory or diagnostic tests

What is objective data


Legal document that lets patients express their wishes about their medical treatment

What is an advanced directive


This person performs technical diagnostic tests in a medical laboratory

What is a lab technician


The study of the moral and ethical questions that arise from new medical discoveries

What is bioethics


Independence, or the ability to make some decisions for oneself

What is autonomy


Measurements of the body's basic functions including temperature, pulse and respiratory rates, and blood pressure

What are vital signs?


Conduct of a professional that does not meet the standard of competence for the profession and has caused harm

What is malpractice


Healthcare setting that provides care for those in longer term recovery from disease or an accident

What is a skilled nursing facility?


This law was passed in 2010 to add new rules about health coverage for all Americans

What is the Affordable Care Act?


A psychological theory of how people are motivated to meet their most basic physical needs before seeking to meet their emotional needs

What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


Bits of information, especially facts and statistics, collected to analyze and assist in making decisions

What is data


Law passed by the US Congress in 1996 to reduce the administrative costs of healthcare and make sure patients could change insurance plans

What is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)


This professional prepares and administers radioactive compounds for the treatment of disease

What is a nuclear medicine technologist


This is the oath taken by physicians to uphold ethical obligations to patients and society

What is the Hippocratic oath?


The name for an infant up to four weeks of age

What is a neonate

Any communication that is not carried through the words we use

What is non-verbal communication


A set of guarantees given to people receiving health services

What is a Patient's Bill of Rights