Caring for Yourself
Caring for your Eyes, Ears, and Mouth
Dream, Dream, Dream
Night Owls

What's the difference between antiperspirant and deodorant?

Deodorant covers up body odor, 

Antiperspirant is designed to stop or dry up sweat


What is plaque

sticky colorless film that coats the teeth and dissolves their protective enamel surface

How much sleep do kids need?

little kids  9-12 hours

teenagers  8-11 hours


In order to improve sleep performance, who is best helped and what are some ways you can drown out distracting noise?

Benefits light sleepers

Nature sounds, white noise, music, etc.

Block other apps from making sounds

What can you do to keep your skin healthy?

Eat healthy, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water


What is a cavity and how is it caused?

If you don't brush and floss your teeth bacterial growth and sugar (turns acidic with saliva) acidic and causes a hole to form in your tooth - if then left untreated it gets deeper eventually reaching the nerves, causing painful nerve damage and the death of the tooth


The naturally occurring physical, behavioral, and mental changes in the body that typically follow the 24 hour cycle of the   sun are known as____________

Circadian Rythyms


What are 2 ways to calm down and prepare to sleep?

Relax and reduce light exposure

Create a sleep environment (lower the temp, make sure you can stretch out all the way and turn comfortably, wash sheets and pillow cases once a week, freshen up environment, etc.)


Swollen, red, dry and itchy patches of skin on one or more parts of the body describes a skin condition called..............



How can you keep your eyes healthy?

Wear protective eye wear in an active environment where you could be hit, such as impact sports or where their may be debris in the air (riding bikes, raking grass, working with high impact tools 

Wear UV blocking sunshades when outdoors to prevent your eyes getting sun damage

Rinse your eye with clean water or eye drops if you get debris


The body releases the hormone ___________in the late evening to encourage sleep, which benefits personal health.


What side affects do people with sleep apnea suffer from?

People with sleep apnea suffer from inadequate sleep and lack of oxygen in their blood resulting in:

excessive daytime sleepiness, irritability or depression, decline in mental functioning, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, accidents, including car accidents


Name the characteristics of healthy nails.


no color spots

consistent in color


Tips to Avoid Eye Strain on Devices

Take breaks, rest your eyes by looking away from the screen.....Adjust screen settings

Blink Often .........Adjust lighting


List 3 possible consequences of not getting enough sleep...

Lower grades (poor academic performance)

Health Conditions



Being physically active for 20-30 minutes late in the evening can help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

True or False



Name 3 different hair conditions and explain different ways to prevent and treat them.

Wash your hair and eat a healthy diet to treat and prevent oily hair and dandruff.  Avoid head to head contact like sharing brushes or hats to prevent lice.

Treat lice and dandruff with medicated shampoos.


What can cause you to damage your hearing and will it improve if you do.

No it will not, but if you wear a hearing aid it will not get worse as fast if it is damaged...Deafness is caused by exposure to loud sounds even through headphones.  .....The louder the sound the less time it takes to hurt you..... Insertion of an object into the ear...... An infection in your ear.......or a ruptured eardrum (if you get hit by an object or even with a loud enough sound)


What are the 2 types of sleep apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Central Sleep Apnea


How can you change your body's sleep-wake schedule in a healthy way (for example over school breaks)?

Gradually change your sleep wake schedule in small time increments.

 Shift the time you wake up or go to sleep by five minutes each day.