Mrs. South's Care
Mrs. South, part 2
Care before/after Surgery
Patient Care
Mrs. South is on bed rest. The nursing assistant should ask this person what activity she is allowed to do.
What is the nurse?
The nursing assistant will use this to protect Mrs. South's skin when moving her in bed.
What is a drawsheet or to lift to turn her.
Mr. North must be repositioned this often after surgery.
What is every two hours?
A nursing assistant should place dirty linen here.
What is in a linen bag?
This is paralysis on one side of the body.
What is hemiplegia?
Mrs. South has an order for restraints. Her restraints are to protect her from harming herself, from pulling out tubes or dressings or from doing this.
What is falling out of the bed or wheelchair?
The problem of sundowning is associated with this disease.
What is Alzheimers.
Mr. North has elastic stockings and sequential stockings to prevent this.
What is thrombi?
The nursing assistant makes sure the patient does this before getting weighed.
What is urinating?
This is an unintentional wrong in which a person fails to act in a reasonable and careful manner and causes harm to another person or the person's property.
What is negligence?
This is how often Mrs. South's restraint is removed.
What is every two hours?
The nursing assistant will need what when logrolling Mrs. South.
What is another person to help?
After surgery, the nursing assistant encourages Mr. North to cough and deep breathe every 2 hours to prevent this.
What is pneumonia?
This is the ability to see something from another point of view.
What is empathy?
What is the position called when the nurse instructs the nursing assistant to put Mrs. South lying on her stomach with her head turned to one side.
What is the prone position?
The doctor ordered a warm water bottle for Mrs. South. This is what type of application.
What is warm, dry application.
Mr. North had to have a surgical creation of an artificial opening of the large intestine, this is called
What is a colostomy?
The nursing assistant should first do this when preparing for an exam.
What is wash his/her hands?
This is the name of the position of a person who is supine with legs together, feet on the table and knees elevated
What is dorsal recumbent position?
This is the type of device the nursing assistant would use to keep Mrs. South's hip from coming out of its socket.
What is an abduction wedge?
When Mrs. South voids 700 cc of cloudy yellow urine, the nursing assistant should report this to the nurse about the urine.
What is color, clearness, amount, odors, particles present.
When checking post-op vital signs on Mr. North, the nursing assistant notes a drop in blood pressure and an increase in pulse. The nursing assistant should
What is report it to the nurse?
The nursing assistant instructs a patient learning to use a cane to walk to hold his or her cane on this side.
What is the strong side?
This is the name of the position when the head of the bed is raised, and the foot of the bed is lowered.
What is reverse Trendelenburg?