Why we need nurses in Schools
Oral Health
Child Health and Education
Mixed Bag
Only about _________ percent of public schools have full time registered nurse for at least 30 hours per week, and 18 percent do not have a nurse at all.
What is 50%?
This is the most frequently covered harm reduction topic covered in SBHCs
What is Substance abuse?
A factor that has contributed to current access to oral health care problems.
What is lack of insurance coverage or Not being a priority from the policy makers and consumers perspective
This is free to all children in America, although Health care is not.
What is Education?
This organization recommends that every student have access to a school nurse every day (full name, not the acronym)
What is the National Association of School Nurses
About 200%, or around $2.00 when school nurses are present in schools
What is return on investment for school nurses?
“___________ present unique challenges that make SBHCs an ideal model to increase access to quality primary, behavioral, and oral health care for children and adolescents”
What are Rural Areas?
This is what the US surgeon general called the current children’s dental crisis.
What is the 'Silent Epidemic'?
About this percent of American children have chronic health conditions.
What is 27%?
These are typical of research on the link between SBHCs and academic performance.
What are limitations (will also accept methodological challenges)
A school nurse was the first to identify this outbreak in 2009.
What is H1N1 (swine flu)?
This percentage of SBHCs have policies that limit the dispensing of contraceptives.
What is 50%?
Dental services offered in one central location with access to many schools.
What is the hub and spoke approach?
School nurses provide a crucial resource in holding and administering medication for this condition, one that pegs 1 in 13 children under the age of 18. (Courtesy of Kelsey Donnellan)
What are food allergies?
Name the percentage of SBHCs that provide on-site oral health exams conducted by a dental professional.
What is 20%?
Having a school nurse actually results in returns on investment, not only in dollars save but also in ______________
What is time spent on instruction?
The two main goals of SBHC by 2018.
What is to grow the friendly 30% more SBHCs and Support the highest quality of care being delivered in SBHCs through National Quality Initiative?
This would be a useful approach for addressing needs and increasing access to dental care for children.
What is expanding scope of practice and more middle level providers?
An ineffective way to discipline, but also has major implications for behavioral and mental health. An opportunity to access a student and 'fix a problem instead of ignore one'. (Courtesy of Emma Gaquin)
What are school suspensions?
The NASN recommends that school nurses have a minimum of a ______________ as well as a ________________
What is a bachelor's degree in nursing as well as a registered nurse (RN) license?
School principals can expect to save almost ____ minutes per day when there is a school nurse working in the building
What is 60 minutes?
These are the two core advantages of SBHCs
What is a limited staff time and resources and What is telling a compelling story of how SBHCs can help keep students in school and save district funds
This man died from a brain infection brought on by severely decayed teeth. (courtesy of Jessica Kaufman)
Who is Deamonte Driver?
School-based physical and oral care can possibly reduce this gap among children of different race, ethnicities, or SES backgrounds, improving health for all. (Courtesy of Ali Rosenberg)
What are health disparities?
Since 2005 the primary sponsor type of SBHCs has changed from _________ to _________
What is hospitals/medical centers to Community Health Centers or FHQCs and Look-Alikes?