Pre-Natal - Neonate
These characteristics come from both the mother and father
What is hereditary factors
When the mother is negative and the fetus is positive, this could be a problem during pregnancy.
What is Rh Factor
The developmental stage at which vision problems are usually identified
What is middle childhood
The stage in adulthood where one considers where they have been and where they are going in life; planning for the second half of life.
What is middle adulthood
A document that highlights an applicants qualifications for employment: experience, skills, certifications, credentials, etc
What is a resume
Most basic need, according to Maslow
What is food, shelter, and bodily comfort?
The earliest point at which a fetus has a chance of survival outside the womb
What is 25 weeks
During the early childhood phase, this aspect of care requires special attention by caregivers
What is proper nutrition
The most significant change that occurs in the integumentary system as a result of aging
What is skins looses elasticity
What you should do if you do not currently have the required skills/requirements for a job that you want
What is work in a lower level job while you develop the necessary skills
Basic definition of Genetics
What is an area of biology that focuses on heredity
A scale from one to ten that scores a newborn's health at 1 minute and 5 minutes of life; optimum score is 7-10.
What is Apgar
Also known as bedwetting
What is nocturnal enuresis
During the process of normal aging, the urinary system decreases in efficiency and loses muscle tone, sometimes resulting in this
What is stress incontinence
A reason that an employer may LEGALLY not hire an applicant
What is if the applicant does not have the required skills, is not able to perform the job or cannot work the specific hours that the job requires
Abnormalities in these can indicate brain damage in the newborn/infant
What are reflexes?
A substance or situation that the mother is exposed to that may affect the development of her growing fetus
What is a teratogen
Daily Double!!!! The reason children in early childhood feel frustration
What is intellectual abilities are developing faster than physical abilities... babies want to explore and move, but their bodies are not yet developed enough to crawl and walk. They become frustrated until their bodies catch up with their brains!
A factor in normal aging, this can cause constipation and diverticulosis in the older adult group
What is decrease in peristalsis
The reason a follow up letter is sent
What is to keep your name in the employer's mind and to remind them of why YOU ARE THE BEST PERSON FOR THE JOB. The letter should be sent within 48 hours of the interview and should also thank the employer for the opportunity for job consideration
Daily Double!!!!! What you should do when there are no child/pediatric AED pads available for a child CPR victim
What is use the Adult pads. If they are too big, you may need to place one on the victim's chest and the other on the victim's back. Never cut pads or use only one pad!
The one of the five senses that is least developed in newborns
What is vision
An eating disorder that is described as eating very large amounts of food followed by fasting (not eating for long periods)
What is bulimia
In the normal aging adult, atrophy occurs causing this
What is decrease in muscle strength
When going to an interview, an applicant should bring along paper (hard) copies of his/her resume and references and what else?
What is copies of certifications, credentials, registration, and license related to the job for which the applicant is interviewing