The colored part of the eye
What is the Iris?
The body's largest artery
What is the aorta?
Made up of dendrites, axons, and a cell body
What is a neuron?
They connect muscle to bone
The most common emergency signal
What is three of anything?
The tough outer layer of the eyeball; the "white of the eye"
What is the sclera?
The body's largest veins
What are the venae cavae?
The Central Nervous System is made up of these two things
What is the brain and spinal cord?
They connect bone to bone
What are ligaments?
The drownproofing technique that should be used in cold water
What is the HELP position?
The inability to focus on distant objects
What is myopia? (or "nearsightedness")
The prefix referring to the heart
The thick bundle of nerve fibers through which the brain communicates with the body
What is the spinal cord?
The ring of thick bone that supports most of the body's weight
What is the pelvis? (or hip or pelvic girdle)
The leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States
What are traffic accidents?
The part of the eye that "bends light" to help you focus on an object
What is the lens?
The movement of blood through the whole body except for the lungs
What is systemic circulation?
The two types of nerves in the peripheral nervous system
What are spinal and cranial nerves?
The prefix referring to bones
What is osteo-?
A type of fire on which water should not be used
What is a grease fire? (or electrical fire)
The prefix referring to the eye
What is my- or myo-?
The pressure during contraction of the ventricles (think blood pressure)
What is systolic pressure?
The part of the nervous system responsible for functions that are consciously controlled
What is the somatic nervous system?
The skeletal system is divided into these two parts
What are axial and appendicular?
The balancing of different risks when considering a decision or policy
What is risk assessment?