What is lip, lipo?
What is Melan?
What is the most common emergency signal?
Three of anything.
What is an Orthodontist?
A doctor for the alignment of teeth
What is the Cerebellum?
The part of the brain that helps with muscular movement
What is the esophagus?
What is atrophy?
The tube in which food goes down in the throat
breakdown of muscle
What is cide?
What is osis?
What is frostbite?
The freezing of body tissue.
What is a Dermatologist?
A doctor for the skin
What is the Cerebrum?
The part of the brain (largest part) for thought, memory, and interpreting sensory information
What is the Aorta?
What is the Venae Cavae?
The largest artery in the body
The largest vein in the body
What is ops, op?
What is Therm?
What is the leading cause of traffic accidents?
In what age?
Traffic Accidents
What is an Orthopedist?
A doctor for the bones
What is the Brain Stem?
Communication between the brain and spinal cord
Controls automatic movements of the body (Ex. breathing, heartbeat, etc)
What is the Sclera?
What is the Iris?
The white and strongest part of the eye
the color part of the eye
What is ia?
What is Brachia?
What is my, myo?
What is the HELP position.
What is a rip current?
Heat escape lessening position.
Water pulls you into the deeper parts
What is a Neurologist?
a doctor for the nervous system
What is the Spinal Cord?
Part of the body responsible for communication of the brain to the rest of the body
What is dermatitis?
What is the pelvic girdle?
Th inflammation of the skin.
The hip bone
What is An?
What is cardio?
What is osteo?
What are floods?
What is dehydration?
The most deadly weather phenomenon
A significate reduction of the water in the body
What is a Gastroenterologist?
A doctor for the digestive system
What are Mechanoreceptors?
What are Interneurons?
Receptors for sense of feeling (Ex. Touch, heat, coldness, etc)
Communicate in-between other neurons
What is systolic pressure?
The top number in blood pressure readings
The pumping of blood out of the heart