Controls involuntary muscles and activities
What is the brain stem?
The prefix meaning skin
What is derm- or derma-?
A doctor who prevents and corrects misalignment of teeth
What is an orthodontist?
Means "heat"
What is therm- or thermo-?
Below normal body temperature
What is hypothermia?
Controls memory and thought process
What is the cerebrum?
The freezing of body tissue
What is hypothermia?
A doctor who treats diseases and disorders of the nervous system
What is a neurologist?
Refers to the eye
What is -op or -ops?
The weather phenomenon that kills the most people each year
What are floods?
Coordinates complex movements of skeletal muscles
What is the cerebellum?
Sensory receptors responsible for feeling touch and pressure
What are mechanoreceptors?
A doctor who treats skin disorders
What is a dermatologist?
Means "fat or fatty"
What is lip- or lipo-?
The largest internal organ of the body
What is the liver?
Interprets sensory information
What is the cerebrum?
An inflammation of the skin; can be caused by poison ivy
What is dermatitis?
A doctor who treats diseases and disorders of the digestive system
What is a gastroenterologist?
Means "dark"
What is melan- or melano-?
Large, spongy organs found in the thoracic cavity
What are lungs?
Contains nerve fibers that connect the brain to the spinal cord
What is the brain stem?
A serious reduction in the body's water content
What is dehydration?
A doctor who treats bone and joint injuries
What is an orthopedist?
Means "killing"
What is -cide?
A dangerous surface current formed when large quantities of water recede rapidly into the sea
What is a rip current?