One is cute and perfect; the other blows up houses
The list of types of Workouts we have done for workout Wednesday
Fitness Test, Circuit, Tae Bo, Pilates, Just Dance
A person has discovered they have heart disease, these are 2 things they can do to help prevent its impact.
What is Eat Right and Exercise?
How long you should wash your hands
What is 20 Seconds?
The main thing to watch out for in fruit and the main thing to watch out for in dairy.
What are sugars and fats?
A main role that the ear plays besides hearing
What is balance?
What HIIT stands for
What is High Intensity Interval Traning?
3 Environmental Risks
What are the air quality, parents' decisions, and availability of outdoor activities?
The Amount of Sleep I should get as a teenager
What is 8-10 Hours?
The time it takes for bacteria to grow on food when left out.
The body part that lines up with each sense
Taste- Mouth AND Nose
Hearing- Ears
Smelling- Nose AND Mouth
Seeing- Eyes
Touch- Nerves
Kickboxing that involves constant movement
What is Tae Bo?
3 common genetic diseases that are heavily impacted by lifestyle
What are Heart disease, High cholesterol, High blood pressure?
3 Essential Elements to a Healthy Lifestyle
What are sleep, exercise, and nutrition?
Alternative ways to get "dairy" without drinking milk.
What are dark-leafy greens and calcium enriched cereals?
Four major parts of the eye
Retnia, Iris, Cornea, Lense
16 year old Jason's moderate-intense heart rate zone
What is 102-143 beats per minute?
2 Important things to consider when asking a family member about their health history
What is age diagnoses and a combination of or the amount diseases.
(Having one or more close relatives with a medical condition. Having a relative with a disease that is more rare in a certain gender)
The main reason people fail to change their diet
What is a lack of consistency?
47 Grams of Sugar converted into teaspoons
What is 11.75 teaspoons?
The difference between tatste and flavor
What is one (taste) is a chemical reaction, flavor is a combination of multiple sense?
This is the biggest hurdle to our bodies' capability for pushing ourselves in exercise.
The brain. The brain tells us it is painful and we should stop.
Genetics are translated through DNA. DNA is made up of .
What is Amino Acid or Protein?
5/20 Rule
What is the rule that tells us that when it is 5% or less it is low in nutrient value when 20% or more it is high in that value?