The 8 Dimensions of Health
Health Factors
Wellness Concepts

This dimension of health refers to the relationships you have in your life with family and friends and the kinds of support that you receive from them.

What is social health?


This is an estimate or prediction that's based on statistics and the average for a particular population.

 What is life expectancy?


This type of goal is something you want to achieve in the near future.

What is a short-term goal?


This is anyone who has used, currently uses, or will use health care services, including their family and caregivers.

Who is a healthcare consumer?


This is the state of being healthy in body and mind, especially with deliberate effort.

What is wellness?


This dimension of health involves making use of your gifts, skills, and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness, and enrichment in your life.

What is occupational health?


This refers to the number of years a person actually lives.

What is lifespan?


To reach this type of goal, you need to set checkpoints and monitor your progress.

What is a long-term goal?


These are very high and most people cannot afford them without health insurance.

What are the costs of healthcare services?


According to the definition, this is when a person realizes their own abilities, copes with daily stresses, and has fulfilling relationships.

What is mental health?


This dimension of health recognizes creative abilities and encourages us to find ways to expand our knowledge and skills.

What is intellectual health?


Behaviors like participating in risk-taking activities, using tobacco and alcohol, and not seeking medical care when needed can negatively impact this.

What is life expectancy?


This is the first step in setting an effective goal.

What is assessing your personal health practices and overall health status?


If you have insurance, it usually pays most of the bill, and you only have to pay this amount.

What is a copayment?


Becoming this type of communicator means effectively conveying your thoughts, ideas, needs, and wants.

What is a good/clear communicator?


This dimension of health is a personal matter involving values and beliefs that provide a purpose for our lives.

What is spiritual health?


Factors like caring relationships, enjoyable work, and physical and emotional wellness contribute to this.

What is quality of life?


This is a key skill needed to successfully implement strategies and monitor progress in achieving a personal health goal.

What is goal-setting?


Before an appointment, you should make a list of these in case you forget or get nervous.

What are questions for your doctor?


Discovering a sense of meaning in your life and coming to know that you have a purpose to fulfill is the basis of this.

What is spiritual health?


This dimension of health is the awareness of protecting both the natural and built environments for the benefit of human health.

What is environmental health?


This includes all the things or aspects that make a person's life enjoyable and meaningful.

What is quality of life?


Formulating an effective long-term personal health plan involves doing this.

What is developing a plan to attain a personal health goal that addresses strengths, needs, and risks?


You should have one of these annually to ensure you are as healthy as possible.

What is an annual exam?


Keeping the air clean, water clean, food safe, and land enjoyable and safe is part of this dimension of health.

What is environmental health?