Feeling tired?
Let's eat
Time to work out
Diabetes & Hypertension
Your guess is as good as mine

On average, how much sleep does an adult need each night?

7 hours


Name 1 health benefit of improving your diet and 1 way you could personally make a change to improve your diet

Benefits: stronger immune system, lower risk of chronic conditions, overall improved longevity


What are 2 benefits of doing simple stretches everyday?

Increased serotonin levels, improved balance, improved range of motion and flexibility, stress relief


True or false: To manage blood glucose, individuals diagnosed with diabetes do not need carbs in their diet. 



What are health beliefs and what can influence them?

Health beliefs: Our personal attitudes, beliefs, and convictions concerning a certain health/illness topics 

Influences: Family dynamics, religious/spiritual factors, additional cultural factors 


Name 4 sleep hygiene techniques

Getting exercise, exposure to sunlight, create a bedtime routine, avoid caffeine, limit screen time, using your bed only for sleep, leaving bed if you've been awake for ~20 minutes, relaxing activities


True or false: Saturated fats increase cholesterol. 



Describe 1 attainable exercise goal you can create for yourself

Correct answer is up for interpretation of the judge.

Remember, it's important to create attainable goals!


What are the names of the top and bottom numbers on your blood pressure reading?

BONUS: Get an extra 200 points if you can explain what these numbers mean

Systolic (top), diastolic (bottom)

BONUS: Systolic is the force exerted as your heart contracts and blood is pushed into arteries. Diastolic is force exerted as your heart rests between beats. 


What are 2 reasons why it can be harmful to stop medications without discussing with your provider?

Relapse of symptoms, withdrawal symptoms from medications, breaks down open communication that can lead to recovery


What is a sleep diary and how can it benefit you?

A log to track sleep patterns (quality/quantity of sleep) and activities that influence sleep. Can help you identify factors affecting your sleep, inform you and your doctor about your current sleep patterns, and help you make modifications to your sleep. 


What is a way to ensure you're still still getting the nutrients you need when you have decreased appetite?

Eat 5-6 smaller meals instead of 3 large meals, focus on eating foods higher in protein/calories, exercise to increase your appetite 


True or false: Weightlifting is bad for your joints. 

Justify your answer, please :)


Building stronger muscles can help stabilize joints. Utilize caution that you're not lifting weights outside of your body's capacity. 


An important blood test for diabetes measuring 3 months of blood glucose levels

Hemoglobin A1C


Name 3 things you can do to be an advocate for yourself in healthcare settings

Ask questions, make sure you have educational material in a way that's easy to understand, take notes, bring someone with you to appointments to help advocate for yourself, get second opinions


Name 3 reasons why we need sleep

Body tissue restoration, renewal of skin and brain cells, emotional regulation 


Name 2 practical ways to lower sodium in your diet 

Use lemon juice/herbs as a replacement for flavor, choose lower sodium options, reduce portion sizes, choose fresh versus packaged meats 



Group wins points if at least one member can describe a recent change they're made in their exercise routine. Answer honestly!

No points lost if the honest answer is no. 

Thanks for being honest!

Every day is a new day to incorporate changes for your health :)


Name 3 modifiable risk factors for developing high blood pressure/managing high blood pressure

Stress, smoking and alcohol use, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, high cholesterol


Opioids can affect which part of the brain, leading to the dangers of opioid overdose? 

Brainstem -- controls basic life functions 


What are the 4 stages of the sleep cycle?



True or false: Simple carbs are generally better for our bodies than complex carbs. 

Also, justify your answer :)


Complex carbs are denser in nutrients, digested slower by our bodies, and leaves us feeling fuller for longer


Define aerobic and anaerobic exercise

Aerobic: lower-intensity, longer duration exercises powered by oxygen we're breathing (walking, swimming)

Anaerobic: higher-intensity, shorter duration exercises powered by energy stored in muscles (sprinting, weightlifting)


Define hypoglycemia and interventions to take when it occurs

Blood sugar level of less than 70 

15 grams of fast acting carbs (1/2 cup juice or regular soda, sugary candy, honey) and recheck level


Define spiritual distress

Losing sight of our purpose and meaning in life

Being unable to find meaning through connecting with ourselves, other people, and/or a higher power