heath and wellnes 1
health and wellness 2
health and wellnes 3
Suicide presention 1
Suicide prevention 2

where do you dispose of items contaminated with blood or body fluids?

small plastic bags with first aid kits and supplies, then throw in plastic lined trash can


where are the alcohol/water mixture sprays kept when not in use

Dowd: locked supply closet in dining room

Annex: locked walk in closet


when is it most advised to offer sunscreen to students?

before leaving for the pool or before any extended outdoor activity particularly in the sum


what are 3 risk factors for committing suicide?

Prior suicide attempts

Misuse and abuse of alcohol

Mental disorder, especially depression and other mood disorders

Access to lethal means

Knowing someone who died by suicide

Social isolation

Chronic disease and disability

Lack of access to behavioral health care


What is the suicide and crisis hotline that can be reached by calling or texting?



where are the first aid supplies (not kits) stored?

Dowd: health room

Annex: locked walk in closet under med cabinet


who refills the alchohol/water sprays when they are empty and where do you bring them?

the nurse (Sandy), bring to the health room


what items are located on top of the first aid supplies

thermometer, hand lotion, heating pads, masks


what are three possible precipitating factors that might cause someone to want to commit suicide?

End of a relationship or marriage

Death of a loved one

An arrest or public humiliation

Serious financial problems

Unexpected move due to crisis

Unexpected job loss


what are 3 other crisis hotline resources?

211 for youth crisis including mobile crises 

211 or 1-800-HOPE-135 for adult crisis services incuding moble criss

Texting TALK to 741741 www.crisistextline.org


where are the portable first aid kits for hikes or the field?

Dowd: on top of metal cabinet

Annex: on top of med cabinet


when are staff encouraged to wear face masks, and where can they be found?

If they think they are coming down with an illness, have or are getting over a minor illness that does not stop them from working but they still may be contagious--on top of the first aid supplies both buildings


where can you find dental floss?

second drawer of the first aid supplies


what are some signals that someone is at risk for committing suicide?

noticing new negative behaviors/has increased negative behaviors and/or seems related to a painful event, loss or change

talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain

talking about being a burden to others

increased use of alcohol or drugs

acting anxious or agitated

sleeping too little or too much

withdrawing or feeling isolated

showing rage or talking about seeking revenge

displaying extreme mood swings

suicidal ideation or thoughts of engaging in suicide related behavior


what are three things you can say/do when you suspect that they might be suicidal

Talk to the person directly

Listen to their story

Tell them you care about them

Ask directly if they are thinking about suicide

Encourage them to seek treatment or contact their doctor or therapist

Avoid debating the value of life, minimizing their problems or giving advice

Show Understanding

Take concerns seriously


where are the emergency contact sheets and health information kept in the vans?

in the first aid kits which are in the back of the van


where are the emergency med boxes?

Dowd: next to the stove on the wall going to the livingroom

Annex: as you are leaving, to the right of Annex 1 door


where is the vaseline/lip balm kept?

Dowd: metal cabinet

Annex: med cabinet


what are three things that would indicate that a person is at immediate risk of committing suicide?

talking about wanting to die or kill oneself

looking for a way to kill oneself such as searching online or obtaining a gun

Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live


what are three things that you can do if someone is suicidal?


Take them seriously

Many believe they cannot be helped

Keep them away from lethal means such as firearms or drugs

Remind them that their suffering is temporary

Call or text National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988

Escort them to nearest ED or Mental health service



Where are incident reports kept?

Dowd: upstairs on the far left side of Cathy's desk under the time sheets

Annex: hanging on the wall next to the med cabinet in the locked walk in closet


Who are the med certified staff?

the nurse and the clinicians


where are menstrual supplies kept?

Bottom of metal cabinet in health room and in prearrange places for specific students


what are three ways to respond to an immediate risk of suicide?

Immediate call and escort to mental health professional

Call 911 and send to emergency room

Access other resources crisis intervention resources


What are three protective factors that make it less likely that someone would commit suicide?

Effective behavioral health care

Connectedness to individuals, family, community, and social institutions

Life skills; including problem solving skills, coping skills , ability to adapt to change

Self esteem and sense of purpose or meaning in life

Cultural, religious, or personal beliefs that discourage suicide