Safe Resident Handling
Musculoskeletal Disorders and Stats
Safe Lifting/Work Techniques
Slip, Trip, Fall Prevention
Strain Injury Reduction

This is the safe lifting limit for resident handling.

What is 35 lbs.


These are two general symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders

What is fatigue, soreness/achy muscles, stiffness, swelling, pain, burning, tingling, numbness, weakness


These are two safe lifting techniques

What is check the weight before lifting, keep your back straight (arch your back), bend knees, wide base of support, square up shoulders, hips, knees, and feet (don't twist), hold load close, keep lifting within the "safe lifting zone" 


This is what you should do if you come across a spill

What is clean it up immediately, block off the area and inform your  team, or place wet floor signs up in the area


This is the most effective strain injury reduction strategy

What is use equipment and safe lifting devices


35 years of research has shown that the only proven way to prevent caregiver injury risk when handling/transferring residents is this

What is use of safe resident handling equipment combined with use of safe body mechanics


This is one general cause of musculoskeletal disorders

What is forceful exertions, awkward and/or static postures, high repetition, contact stress, prolonged exposure to vibration, inadequate muscle recovery time


This is the proper technique to use when pulling equipment

What is turn and face the equipment you are pulling and use two hands; if pulling with one hand is necessary, keep the pulling arm tight to your side


This is the footwear required when working in the kitchen (culinary)

What is slip-resistant (non-slip) shoes


What you should do if an object is too heavy to lift alone

What is ask for help or use a cart


The type of lift equipment used to transfer residents requiring 1-person assist or greater from bed to chair/wheelchair/commode/toilet

What is the Electric sit/stand assist


Wear and tear on muscles, tendons, joints, and nerves, caused by repetitive use over an extended period of time.

What is Musculoskeletal disorders


This is a strain injury prevention technique that can be used when pushing residents up to the table

What is use two hands, assume a one-foot forward stance, ask for help, encourage resident to help pull self up to table when able, consider leaving resident in wheelchair for meal if limited with mobility


This is what to do with mats in a work area that have holes in them or are curled up/defective

What is replace them


This is an overall strain injury reduction strategy that helps manage the overall effects of fatigue and repetition

What is micro-breaks, task rotation, use different muscles by varying position or techniques, rest arms by sides when not using them, switch hands whenever possible, perform micro-stretches


The need to use safe resident handling equipment is based on

What is the resident's mobility level; not the resident's weight


One of the most common causes of injury in the Healthcare Industry

What is strains and sprains (resident handling), slips, trips, and falls, cuts, scrapes, and burns


This is a recommendations for proper organization/storage of items on kitchen shelves

What is store heavy, most frequently used items on middle shelves, avoid storing heavy items on bottom or top shelves; store light weight items on top and bottom shelves


This is the animal that demonstrates how to safely walk on wet or slippery surfaces

What is a penguin


These are two reasons you should stretch at work

What is athletes stretch so should you, minimize muscle fatigue and joint stress, helps prepare you for an activity, makes tasks easier to perform, helps prevent injury, provides a quick rest break, increases circulation, gives you more energy to enjoy life


The type of lift equipment used to transfer dependent residents not appropriate for a stand assist and requiring 2-person assist or greater from bed to chair/wheelchair/commode/toilet

What is the hoyer/mobile lift


This is the % of all workplace injuries that are the result of unsafe worker habits

What is 80%


These are two safe work techniques to use when mopping

What is one foot-forward stance, square up hips and shoulders (don't twist), avoid reaching and bending (hold mop close), vary grip, vary mopping technique (i.e. figure 8, forward-backward)

These are two slip, trip, fall prevention strategies for the outdoors

What is salt sidewalks when temps are below freezing, wear Yaktrax or deep tread boots, use extra caution near melt runoff areas, walk across designated areas only, watch for trip hazards such as cracks in pavement, use handrails, wipe shoes when coming in from wet or slushy conditions


This is one strain injury prevention strategy for staff when bringing a laptop into the resident's room to give meds

What is providing a cart