Surgical intervention in which a hole was drilled into the skull
Physician that based diagnoses on observations
Payment based on diagnosis
Diagnostic related groups/DRGs
Care for the elderly
Geriatric Care
First to maintain health records
Ancient Egyptians
Father of Medicine
Patients receive care without being admitted to hospital or other care facilities
Outpatient services
Methods that are used in conjunction with conventional medical therapies
Complementary therapies
Involves the use of video, audio, and computer systems to provide medical or health care systems
Monitored pulse to determine the condition of the body
Ancient Chinese
Used dissection to draw the human body more realistically
Michael Angelo/ Leonardo Da Vinci
Used to determine when supplies are needed and to prevent overstock and waste
Computerized inventory
Methods that are used in place of conventional therapies
Alternative Therapies
Care provided in a patient's home environment
Home Healthcare
Stress diet and cleanliness as ways to prevent disease
Ancient Greeks
Created the first mercury thermometer
Waste is dangerous but not necessarily infectious
Hazardous medical waste
Care that promotes physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual well-being by treating the whole body, mind and spirit
Holistic Healthcare
The use of genetic and biochemical processes of living systems and organisms to develop or modify useful products
Built sewers to carry materials away from cities
Ancient Romans
Proved microorganisms cause disease
Louis Pasteur
Researched the quality of healthcare services to make healthcare safter, more accessible, affordable and of higher quality
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Uses both mainstream medical treatments and CAM therapies to treat patients
Integrative health care
Exists when the outbreak of a disease occurs over a wide geographic area and affects a high proportion of the population