Code Red
What is Fire/Smoke
A safety phrase
The ARCC technique when speaking up to SAFETY
What is " I have a concern..."
Ask a question
Make a Request
Voice a Concern
if no success...
Use Chain of Command
How long is considered a delayed reprocessing of a scope
What is 1 hour
The proper steps for washing hands are _________.
What is wet hands, apply soap, rub hands together (front and back, web, and nails for 20-30 seconds).
Biohazard bins and color, What to throw
What is Bandages, gauzes, wipes, soiled chucks contaminated with blood or body fluids
Color: RED
Code Pink means _________ while Code Purple means ____________.
What is
Pink: Newborn abduction
Purple: missing or abducted child/ adult (greater than 2 years of age)
The acronym SBAR stands for
Situation- the bottom line or the "headline"
Background-The information, details the other person needs to know
Assessment- Summary of the problem/issue that you identify
Recommendation/Request- Action(s) that the other person needs to take
Donning and Doffing PPE sequence
Donning PPE: Doffing PPE:
1.Gown 1. Gloves
2. Mask/respirator 2. Goggles/Face shield
3. Goggles/Face shield 3. Gown
4. Gloves 4. Mask/respirator
5. Wash hands or use
Alcohol base hand
Name 3 times you would need to wash your hands.
What is before touching a patient or surroundings, after glove removal, after body fluid exposure, before and after donning P.P.E.
The container where needles are disposed in. What to throw
What is puncture resistant sharps container.
What is needles, blades, scalpel, empy syringes with or without needles
Code Gray means __________ while Code Silver means _____________.
What is
GRAY: combative/aggressive person
SILVER: active shooter- initiated when the person(s)with a firearm who has used or threatening to use deadly physical force on other persons
Admission Criteria
What are:
Patients with ASA greater that III
Patients requiring home oxygen
Patients with BMI greater than 45
Patients who are on dialysis
Patients with defribrillators Cardiac Pacemaker without defibrillator are acceptable but will need a cardiac evaluation for clearance
Pediatric patients (Center limits patients to those 18 years or older)
Patient who have demonstrated incapacitating mental disorder
Pregnant women
Patients with or having been exposed to an infectious disease i.e. tuberculosis (active, under treatment, exposed to, exhibiting symptoms) and/or significant respiratory infection (incipient -beginning stage, existing, or convalescent-recovering from illness)
What is the nationally recognized infection control guidelines in our Infection Control Program?
What is
SGNA= Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates
CDC= Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
APIC= Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology
AORN= Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
OSHA= The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
The finger nail hygiene you need to practice is __________. (3 things)
Clean, no chipped nail polish, trimmed (no long nails, 1/4 inch long)
Pharmaceutical waste container and color, What to throw
What is IV bags and tubings with/without medications and PHI (personal health information), empty needles and syringes, used of expired medications (empty or non-empty)
Color: BLUE
The place where the Emergency Codes are located.
What is with our badge, safety binder, Policy Stat
Where is our meeting place when evacuating our building
When a fire occurs in our building, the order of patients that get saved is
What is the lawn in front of the building, grassy area
What is closest to the fire, ambulatory (able to walk), non-ambulatory (not able to walk)
List 5 types of P.P.E.
What is gloves, gown, mask, face shield, booties, and goggles.
___________ is just as effective as washing your hands.
What is Alcohol based rub (hand sanitizer).
RCRA bins and color, what to throw
What is non-empty waste anesthetic bottles (ex: hurricane spray, inhalers, insulin pens/vials)
Color: BLACK
Code Blue
What is Cardiac or Respiratory Arrest
-call for help, 911
-initiate CPR
-get crash cart (ACLS
Universal Protocol
What is:
Sign in:
-led by Anesthesia provider
-two patient identifiers (name and DOB)
-Procedure, site verified by the consent form
- site marking (surgeon/Proceduralist initial) visualized
-Anesthesia provider described block being performed and purpose
-Did anyone speak up or stop the line if sign-in not done properly
Time out:
-initiated and led by Surgeon/Proceduralist
-Time out performed immediately prior to procedure
-All activities suspended and all team members participating in time-out
-Two patient identifiers confirmed during time-out
-Procedure/site confirmed using consent form
-Site marking (Surgeon/Proceduralist initial) visualized
-correct implant verified and available (not applicable to us)
-Patient ID verified for ALL reference materials (i.e. images, physician office chart)
-No reference material for other patients present in the OR/procedure room
-Did anyone speak up or stop the line if Time-out was not done properly (i.e. not led by provider, 2 identifiers not mentioned, no verification of procedure, site marking not visualized, all activities not suspended, no interruptions, no music, all applicable steps completed)
What are the steps for Reprocessing our gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopes?
What is:
2. Leak Testing
3. Cleaning
5. Disinfection (in AER)
6.Rinsing (in AER)
7. Drying
The single most effective way to prevent disease transmission is ____________.
Hand Hygiene.
Disposing Rapicide PA
What is in blue container with white top.