Population/Public Health
Health System Models
Finance Terms

This includes: identifying the problem, agenda setting, alternatives, policy choice, implementation, and evaluation. 

The Policy Process


This program insures adults with a low income. 



She is known as the founder of nursing and the first patient advocate. 

Florence Nightengale


This is a health insurance payment in which a doctor or other health care provider is paid a fee for each particular service rendered, essentially rewarding medical providers for volume and quantity of services provided, regardless of the outcome. 

Fee for Service


This is who funds Medicaid. 

Government at the state level


This branch is responsible for writing, amending, and formulating the laws.

Legislative Branch


This health insurance program is for people in the US who are 65 years of age or older and for younger people with disabilities. 



Examples of these include: The Joint Commission, Nursing Boards, Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, and Health and Human Services. 

Regulatory Bodies


This is a unit of measurement used to figure out the number of full time hours worked by all employees in a business/hospital unit. 

FTE (full time equivalent)


This is who funds Medicare

The federal government


This type of care includes: consultive specialty care and is characterized by advanced technology and high volume of procedures. It is typically located at a large regional medical center and usually serves as a major education site. 

Tertiary Care


This type of health insurance plan provides health services for a fixed annual fee. You typically must choose a primary care provider who then refers you to other care providers if needed. 

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)


Only a member of this can introduce a bill. 

US Congress


This is calculated by taking the total number of productive nursing hours and dividing it by the total budgeted census. Example: If my productive nursing hours for the year is 100,000 and my total budgeted census is 10,220 - then this number will be 9.78. 

Hours Per Patient Day (HPPD)


These are tools used to make decisions that impact the delivery of nursing care. An example of this is: staff mix, or patient satisfaction

Nursing Sensitive Indicator


This model of healthcare brings an integrative approach to identifying the influence of the many factors that play a role in health, such as genetics, physical environment, and health-related behaviors such as smoking, drinking, and obesity. 

Population Health Model


This is a type of health insurance plan that offers you a network of doctors and hospitals for care, but doesn't require you to choose a primary care provider (PCP).

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)


These policies influence the actions, behavior, and decisions of individuals or groups to ensure that a public objective is met. An example is The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA).

Regulatory Policies


This is the established or limited amount of money the patient pays before the insurance company will pay the remaining cost.

Out of Pocket Maximum


This is a law that prevents any employee who is paid by the federal government from engaging in any type of political campaign. 

Hatch Act


These are non-medical factors that influence health outcomes, such as income, education, socioeconomic status, and residential environment.

Social Determinants of Health


This is how Medicare and some health insurance companies categorize hospitalization costs to determine how much to pay for your hospital stay.

Diagnostic Related Group (DRG)


These policies provide benefits to a distinct group of individuals or organizations, at the expense of others, to achieve a public objective. An example of this is Medicare.

Allocative Policies


This payment method is used by many managed care organizations in which a fixed amount of money is reimbursed to the provider for patients enrolled during a specific period of time, no matter what services were received or how many visits were made.



This is the ability to perceive, use, understand, manage, and handle emotions. This is especially helpful for unit managers in managing conflict on a unit. 

Emotional Intelligence