Healthy Behaviors
Unhealthy Behaviors
Red/Green Flags
Red/Green Flags
Random True or False

Regarding someone's feelings, wishes, rights, and traditions

What is respect?


When somebody raises their voice

What is yelling?


Someone buys their partner a gift, but says they now owe them something in return

Red Flag (manipulation)

Someone cheats on their partner and then lies about it.

Red Flag (betrayal)


Being in a healthy relationship takes more energy than an unhealthy relationship.

False! Being in an unhealthy relationship can cause stress and lead to more energy being taken out of each partner.


Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something

What is consent?


Someone feels threatened when you text/talk/hangout with another person.

What is jealousy?


Two partners disagree on where to eat dinner, so they flip a coin.

Green flag (compromise)


Both partners have been feeling unheard lately, so they sit down to communicate their feelings.

Green Flag (communication)


You can never make an unhealthy relationship healthy.

False! There are many ways to increase communication and strategies to manage and improve unhealthy relationships.


Accepting something that is not exactly what you wanted so that both people can be heard

What is compromise?


When someone tries to control your decisions, actions or emotions.

What is manipulation?


A person is having a bad day, so they just want to be alone. Their partner gets mad at them and makes them feel bad.

Red flag (guilting)


Someone thinks their partner is hiding something, so they go through their partners phone without permission.

Red Flag (violation of privacy)

What would be a better way to go about this situation?


If someone consents one time, that means they always consent.

False! Consent can be withdrawn at any time, and remember- you cannot consent if you are under the influence.


The limits and rules you set for yourself to determine what is acceptable and what is not

What are boundaries?


When someone makes you feel responsible for their actions or blames you for emotions they feel, as if it is your job to fix their problems.

What is guilting?


One partner is not in the mood for sexual activities, so together they watch a movie and make snacks instead.

Green flag (consent)


Both partners have their own friends and are happy even when they are apart.

Green flag (interdependence)


It's okay to be mean to your partner if they say it's okay. 

False! It's never okay to be mean or talk down to someone, if they aren't putting up a fight, they could be scared or feel manipulated.