Name 2 healthy coping skills
deep breathing, fidgeting, taking a break etc.
Name 2 examples of unhealthy coping skills
hitting, cussing, throwing things, kicking, running away etc...
Why is it important to make time for ourselves and have fun?
self care important for wellness, prevent burnout, good mental health
mad, upset, hateful, hostile, hurt
How many months in a year?
When should you use healthy coping skills?
When you are feeling angry, sad, afraid, etc.
John has a lot of stress from school. When he gets home, he yells at his brothers to get his frustration out. Is this a healthy coping skill and why or why not?
Talking with someone is a great coping skill. However, yelling is unhealthy and it may cause issues in our relationships.
What are 3 ways we can take care of our bodies and our physical health?
enough sleep, healthy food, exercise
down, depressed, ashamed, guilty, lonely etc...
According to Dr. Seuss who stole Christmas
The grinch
Name 2 coping skills that can be done anywhere anytime
Kids choice
Examples: Breathing exercises, Counting
What makes a coping skill unhealthy as opposed to healthy?
When it is unsafe, unhelpful, or harmful to yourself and others.
What are 3 ways we can take care of our minds and mental wellbeing?
physical health stuff, time with friends, time for fun
Thrilled, energetic, cheerful, happy
What is the opposite of cheap?
How can talking about a hard time be helpful? Give 2 reasons
process what's happening, share your feelings, explore what you can do, to feel better, not feel alone, connection between others
What are some consequences for using unhealthy coping skills?
You can get in trouble, you can feel like everything is crashing down on you, which is overwhelming, you can hurt people and lose friendships, etc.
Name three questions you might ask a Doctor when being prescribed a new medication.
What are the side effects, why am I taking this, are there any alternatives, what are the expected results, how long will I be taking this, will this affect my other medications, what should I do if I miss a dose, what time of day should I take this?
Terrified, helpless, rejected, anxious,
What is the highest mountain in the world
Mount Everest
Emotional Wellness can include positive self-talk. Each team member, share one positive word that describes you.
whatever they come up with
Why are boundaries important. Give an example of a boundary
help us meet our own needs, help us build healthy relationships, take care of ourselves. example can be anything
connect with others, set boundaries, support groups
Frustrated, helpless
Why do things fall when you drop them?