Cognitive Coping Skills
Outdoor Coping Skills
Coping Skills for a Time Crunch
Coping Skills With a Prop
Coping Mechanisms That Rhyme With...

You find out you did bad on an exam, what cognitive coping skills could you use?

- stop and think 

- positive self talk

- self grace 

- radical acceptance 

- self reflection 


this outdoor activity can be done alone or with others, improves ones mood, and gives a sense of accomplishment when it is time to harvest...

- gardening 


you start to feel overwhelmed with an assignment that's due in 1 hour... what quick coping mechanism could you use?

- let out a sigh 

- go get a glass of water

- stand up and stretch 

- 30 seconds of mindfulness 

- light a candle


This stress relieving practice soothes the "monkey mind" and olfactory senses and only requires essential oil and deep breathing- what coping skill is this?



Rhymes with peep...



You just got fired by your boss- what coping strategies could you utilize?

- positive thinking

- shifting from negative thoughts to positive  thoughts

- thought stopping

- positive self talk

- sharing experiences 


this activity can be done anywhere with a marked trail, is a good form of exercise, and reduces stress...

- hiking

you are driving and someone cuts you off, what is a quick coping skill you could utilize?

- turn on music 

-  mindful breathing

- roll down the windows to get air/sunlight 

- identify one beautiful thing around you 

- catharsis sigh or yell


This craft keeps the hands busy, neutralizes stress, and the result keeps one warm- what coping strategy is this?

- knitting 

- crocheting 

- sewing


Rhymes with feeding...



You are struggling financially and are becoming overwhelmed- what coping strategies could you utilize?

- setting goals

- managing goals

- decision making utilizing pros and cons

- diaphragmatic breathing 


this outdoor activity is done in silence, requires binoculars, and is a common way to connect with wildlife and nature...

- birdwatching


you waited until last minute to pack for a trip and now you're overwhelmed with the task... what coping skills could you utilize?

- make a list

- turn on some music

- self acceptance

- mindfulness

- breathing technique

- picture a calm place in your mind


this coping strategy may make you smarter, relieve stress, and make you want to dance - what coping strategy is this? 

- playing a musical instrument 


Rhymes with faint...



Your partner just broke up with you and you're feeling down- what coping strategies could you use?

- cognitive restructuring (replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts)

- self monitoring 

- avoid blaming 

- positive self talk


this outdoor activity can be done alone or with others, lowers cortisol levels, allows for grounding, and requires poles and a body of water...

- fishing 


you are trying to fall asleep, but your mind is racing? what coping strategies can you quickly utilize?

- breathing 

- meditation 

- praying

- positive self talk

- turn on relaxing noises

- drink a cup of warm tea

- read a few pages of a book

- think about what you're grateful for


this self care strategy improves physical fitness and can be done alone or with a Peleton- what coping strategy is this?

- cycling 


Rhymes with fray...



A loved one passes away- what coping skills can you utilize?

- releasing built up emotions (crying, screaming)

- distracting oneself 

- identify irrational thoughts 

- spiritual practices 

- seeking support 

- working towards acceptance


this outdoor activity requires minimal equipment (but you may want a blanket), can be done alone or with others, must be done at night... 

- star gazing

You are waiting for your exam to start, and you begin to feel very anxious. what coping strategies could you utilize in the last 3 minutes?

- breathing techniques

- praying

- mindfulness

- positive self talk

- meditate 

- stretch


this creative endeavor may be a relaxing distraction and you can eat the results- what coping strategy is this?

- cooking

- baking


Rhymes with hesitate...
