The healthiest fat to cook with.
What is monounsaturated fats
Olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, canola oil.
Alternative to frying foods.
Air-frying, baking, sautéing, grilling, steaming.
This is how you portion out your plate.
1/2 veggies
1/4 protein
1/4 starchy veg
Limit salt by adding these alternatives.
What is herbs and spices?
Dash, basil, oregano, thyme, red pepper flakes, rosemary, cilantro.
Rank these proteins in order of leanest to less lean.
Turkey, tofu, red meat, chicken, fish.
Tofu, fish, chicken, turkey, red meat.
Using your hand, show us a portion size of protein.
Palm (3 oz)
These are some saucy alternatives to heavy or full fat cream.
Greek yogurt, salsa, pesto, chutneys.
This is how much added sugar you should have per day.
25 g for female, 36 g for males or less than 10% of total calories.
Using your hand, show us a portion size of carbohydrates.
Cupped hand (1/2 cup)
This is a way to add more vegetables and greens to your day!
Smoothie, wrap, salad, soup, use as bread.
These are the 5 key ingredients for a basic at home vinaigrette.
Oil, vinegar, spices, sweetener (honey, agave, fruit), emulsifier (egg yolk, mustard, mayo)
Using your hand, show us a portion size for fat.
Thumb (2 tablespoons)