Canada's Food Guide/Food Groups
Healthy Eating Habits
Where foods come from
Processed vs Unprocessed Foods
Cultural Foods

Name the 3 food groups from the Canada Food Guide

Fruits & Vegetables, Whole Grains, Protein 


Which mineral is good for strong bones and teeth?



Where do foods made from fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy and meat come from?



What are unprocessed foods?

Unprocessed foods have not been changed as much from the way they are in the farms. They can be raw and fresh. They can get damaged or spoil easily. They might also take more time and effort to prepare for eating, like washing, cutting, and cooking. 


What is an example of a fruit or vegetable/a meal containing fruits/veggies from another culture outside of Canada?

Pomegranate, bok choy, okra, stir fry, ramen, etc. 

Answers will vary.


Name 4 items in the fruits & vegetables category

Answers will vary

Why is it not good to eat too much sugar?

Too much sugar can lead to weight gain, acne, type 2 diabetes, cavities and can increase your risk of several serious medical conditions such as heart disease or stroke.


Where does fish or other seafood come from?

Fish farms, lakes, seas or oceans


What are processed foods?

Processed foods are foods which have been changed from its natural form, so that it can be stored for a long time without spoiling. It is usually changed and packaged in a way that is easier for people to transport, keep in stores, and use. They usually have more salt, sugar, or chemicals in them. Processing and packaging them in the factories put more pollution and garbage into the environment.


What are 2 examples of whole grain foods/meals from another culture outside of Canada?

Brown rice, quinoa, noodles/noodle soup, sushi, roti, tacos, etc.

Answers will vary.


Name 4 items in the whole grains category

Answers will vary (rice, pasta, cereal, bread, oats, quinoa)


Why is it not good to eat too much salt?

It can give you high blood pressure. High blood pressure is bad because it can cause blockages in your arteries and lead to a stroke


What are local foods?

Local foods are foods which can be grown in our country and do not have to travel very far to be sold in our local stores.


Which foods are healthier-processed foods or unprocessed foods? Why?

Unprocessed foods are healthier because they usually have more nutrients.


What are 3 examples of protein foods/meals from another culture outside of Canada?

Tofu, calamari, hummus, tacos, noodles/noodle soup, sushi, chicken souvlaki, etc.

Answers will vary


Name 4 items in the protein category

Answers will vary (eggs, meat, milk, cheese, yogurt, lentils, beans, fish/shellfish, nuts, seeds, soy products, oat products, almond products)

What color of vegetables contain lots of calcium?

Dark leafy green vegetables (kale, broccoli, arugula, seaweed, bok choy, okra)


What are imported foods?

Imported foods are foods that travel from other countries to be sold in our stores in Canada


Name 5 processed foods.

Answers will vary.


Why is it important to eat different foods?

It is important to eat different kinds of foods because different foods help and support our bodies in different ways. Some foods provide energy to do work, some provide protein to build, and others have vitamins and minerals to help us stay healthy. Enjoying different foods is an important part of our social lives because we like to eat and spend time with people.


Where can people who don't eat animal products get their protein intake from?

Dairy-free products (oat/soy/almond milk or cheese-alternatives), lentils, quinoa, beans, nuts, and seeds


Which color of vegetables contain lots of Vitamin A?

Orange vegetables (carrots, pumpkins, sweet potato's, red/orange peppers, butternut squash)


Why do we need to import foods from other places instead of just eating local products?

Countries like Canada which have cold weather during multiple seasons and a longer winter season than usual do not allow farmers to grow certain foods year-round. Also, importing foods allows for more choice and variety in terms of what we can eat at different points in the year


Name 5 unprocessed foods.

Answers will vary.


Why is it good to try foods from different cultures? 

It is good to try foods from different cultures because it gives us a wider variety of food choices with varying health benefits. It also makes eating more enjoyable and interesting.