Nutritional Basics
Food Groups
Food Myths
Link Between Physical and Mental Health
Physical Health for tweens and teens

What is the primary function of carbohydrates in the body?

To provide energy


What food group does spinach belong to?



True or False: Eating late at night causes weight gain?

False: It’s not the timing but the total amount of calories consumed that affects weight gain 


How can regular physical exercise and movement influence Mental Health

Regular physical exercise can release endorphins and neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which can help improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.


What is the recommended amount of time for physical activity for youth

At least 60 minutes (1 hour) of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily


Which vitamin is known as the “sunshine vitamin”?

Vitamin D


Name a food that is high in protein but low in fat

Accepted Answers: Chicken Breast, Tofu, Shrimp, Egg Whites, Non-Fat Greek Yoghurt

True or False: Eating Oranges is one good way to intake Vitamin C

True: Oranges provide 83 mg of Vitamin C. It is one of the citrus fruits that make up your Vitamin C needs. 


Why is getting enough sleep important for both Physical and Mental Health?

Accepted Answers: Improved brain function, growth and development, energy restoration, physical stamina, health benefits, mood improvement, cardiac health, cognitive skills

Why is stretching before doing physical activity important?

Accepted answers: Increased flexibility, improves performance, reduces risk of injury, enhances blood flow, promotes relaxation and muscle stiffness


 Which nutrient helps you grow and build strong muscles?

a) Vitamin C b) Iron c) Protein d) Calcium



What food group is rich in omega-3 fatty acids?

Accepted Answers: Fatty Fish (e.g., Salmon, Sardines, Anchovies) or Shellfish (Oysters, Shrimp)

Plant Based Sources (Seeds, Walnuts, Oils)


True or False: Drinking more water can boost your metabolism

True: Drinking water can help with weight loss by making you feel fuller and reducing calorie intake, but it's not a magic solution on its own. 


How can engaging in social activities contribute to both physical and mental health?

Accepted Answers: Provide emotional support, reduce feelings of loneliness, and enhance overall well-being. Is also associated with lower levels of stress and better physical health outcomes. 


Why is proper nutrition important for teens who are physically active?

Proper nutrition provides the energy and nutrients needed for growth, development, and optimal performance in physical activities. It supports muscle repair, bone health, and overall well-being.


Name 2 Types of Nutritional Minerals

Accepted answers: Meat, cereals, fish, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. 

OR: Calcium (milk), Iron (red meat), Potassium (bananas). 


Identify a whole grain that is commonly used in breakfast cereals

Oats or Bran


True or False: Eating carrots will improve your night vision

False: It's beneficial for eye health, but not a cure for poor night vision


How can mental health issues impact an individual’s physical health behaviors?

Mental Health Issues can lead to decreased motivation for self-care, resulting in poor physical health behaviors like a lack of exercise, poor diet, lack of sleep, or neglecting medical care.


What role does hydration play in the physical health of Youth?

Crucial for maintaining energy levels, regulating body temperature, and supporting overall bodily functions during physical activity.


How much water should you drink per day?

About 8 cups a day. Drink more if you're active or it's hot.


What are the 5 food groups?

Fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy


True or False: Gluten-free foods are healthier for everyone.  

False: they are not inherently healthier for those without certain conditions (e.g., celiac disease) Some gluten-free products can be high in sugar and fat. 


How does mindfulness and meditation practice benefit both mental and physical health?

Mental Health Benefits: Reduces stress and anxiety, improves mood, enhances focus and concentration, emotional regulation

Physical Health Benefits: Lowers blood pressure, improves sleep quality, boosts immune function, reduces pain


True or False: You need to exercise for long periods to see benefits?

False: Even short bursts of physical activity can be beneficial. Studies show that even 10-minute sessions of moderate to vigorous exercise can improve cardiovascular health and overall fitness.