Healthy Families
Critical Elements
HF Policy and Procedure
KCSL Staff
KCSL General

In this year, KCSL was officially approved by Healthy Families America as an HFA Multi-Site System.

What is 2017?


For Critical Element #1, this is when Healthy Families initiates services.

What is Prenatally or at birth?


Sites will utilize these protocols to enroll families referred from child welfare.

What are child welfare protocols?


This is who I should go to with questions about policies and procedures.

Who is "my supervisor"?


Kansas Children's Service League serves as the State Chapter of this organization.

What is Prevent Child Abuse America?


These are the six counties covered by the Kansas City Healthy Families Program.

What is Atchison, Douglas, Johnson, Leavenworth, Wyandotte and Miami?


For Critical Element #2, this is the standardized assessment tool used to identify and assess families most in need of services.

What is the FROG?


Each Site will identify this and update it at least every four years.

What is eligibility Criteria?


She is the Chief Executive Office (CEO) for Kansas Children's Service League.

Who is Gail Cozad?


This is the year Kansas Children's Service League was founded.

What is 1893?


Staff continue positive outreach methods for this amount of time after case assignment, until the family has enrolled or declined services.

What is a minimum of 30-45 days?


For Critical Element #7, we must ensure families are linked to this to assure optimal health and development.

What is a Medical Provider?


With Family First funding, a case must be closed when this happens.

What is when a child is removed from the home?


She is the Director of Healthy Families.

Who is Kelly Hayes?


The objectives of this KCSL sponsored Conference are to provide tools for families, let their voices be heard amongst their peers, and to encourage families to be engaged in their child's education.


What is the Parent Leadership Conference?


These are the four funding sources for the Kansas City Healthy Families Program.

What are MIECHV, TANF, Medicaid Match and Family First?


For Critical Element #10, Service providers must receive this, specific to their role.

What is Intensive training?


This consists of 15 questions, and is considered positive when there is two or more "true" responses.

What is the Initial Screen?


She is the Director of Human Resources at KCSL.

Who is Thea Parks?


Examples of these would be: lack of parenting skills, illness, unemployment, a history of ACEs or family abuse and neglect

What are risk factors?


This must be obtained in order to serve teen parents who are minors (under 18 years of age).

What is parent consent?


Critical Element #12, Service providers receive this so they are able to develop realistic and effective plans to empower families.

What is ongoing, effective supervision?


If a family qualifies for one these services, they should qualify for TANF funding.

What is Medicaid, food stamps, or cash assistance?


He is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for KCSL.

Who is Kent Curran?


This is the organization's mission at Kansas Children's Service League

What is "To protect and promote the well- being of children".