Home Visiting Strategies
CHEERS/Reflective Strategies
Policy & Procedures
Healthy Families *ALL Topics*

Healthy Families America has created and evidenced base parent child interaction assessment tool. What is the name of the tool?

CHEERS - Check In Tool


What is newest addition to reflective strategies that can be used with families?

FNT: Feeling? Name it and Tame it

this replaces the old strategy: Feel, Felt, Found


Home Visitors have ___ days to complete a home visiting record.

2 days


What module can be completed that can help you as a home visitor learn about a family's culture?

GGF: Family Traditions and Cultural Practices


Target child has to be enrolled by what age?

Three months of age. The earlier the better!


________ is a strategy to build a parent's self esteem and confidence, pointing out their strengths or things they do well.

ATP - Accentuate the Positives


What does CHEERS stand for?

Cues, Holding, Expression, Empathy, Rhythmicity/Receiprocity, Smiles


The Harford County Health Department follows the ______________ for closures and delays. 

State of Maryland


Being aware that cultural differences and similarities between people exist without assigning them a value – positive or negative, better or worse, right or wrong is what?

Cultural Sensitivity 


What tool is used to screen for depression?



________ have a powerful impact on adults more than 50 years later.

Adverse Childhood Experiences


What are the three steps of an ATP?

1. Observe a skill or strength

2. Affirm the strength by pointing it out to the parent using descriptive positive words

3. Impact statement - tell the parent how their strength or skill is of benefit to them or their child


You have ___ minutes to call in to work reporting that you will be either late or out for the day. 

30 minutes


The ways of living evolved by a group and transmitted to succeeding generations.

The above is a definition of _____.



How soon can you sign out a vehicle before leaving for a visit?

15 minutes


At birth, a baby's brain contains _______ neurons most of them waiting to be connected. A Child's environment has an enormous impact on how the cells within the brain get connected or "wired" to each other. The child's experiences determine what connections are made. Neurons that are not used are eventually lost. 

a. 100 million 

b. 500 million

c. 100 billion

d. 50,000

c. 100 billion


What strategy can be used when the primary caregiver misses a cue?

Explore and Wonder


Parent Survey Paperwork should be completed with in _____ hours. 



The blending of knowledge about individuals and groups of people into specific attitudes, practices, standards, and policies to improve the quality of services. 

Above statement is known as:

Cultural Competence


How often do we have group events?



When we treat parents with respect and value our relationships with them, they will be more likely to show respect for and value their children. 

This program approach is called ______________

Parallel Process


When would a home visitor not complete CHEERS in the home visit record?

When CHEERS Check-In tool is completed, when the target child is sleeping, or when the target child is not present.

*Still complete any if possible


End of the month paperwork includes all home visit records, tools/screens, monthly logs, medical forms, updated referrals, language line forms, and contact lists. End of month paperwork is due by the _____ of the following month.

5th unless told otherwise.


Recognizing and appreciate the difference in cultural groups.

Cultural Diversity 


How often is supervision for FSS & FRS?

Weekly for 1.5-2 hours