How much of your plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables?
one half
True or False: It is important to check a nutrition label before buying food
True or False: Foods that have a lot of added sugar, like cookies, or like chips, are healthy snacks.
Do similar foods made by different brands have the same nutrition labels?
True or False: You should never eat candy
False- everything is okay in moderation
What are the names of the five food groups?
fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy
Give one reason why food labels are important
Helps you to know what type of ingredients the food contains, helps you determine how much the food costs for its weight, provides health information
True or False: Celery with peanut butter is an example of a healthy snack.
What ingredient in soda, fruit punch and sports drinks is bad for your teeth?
added sugar
Name an unhealthy drink
Soda, Red Bull, sugary fruit juice
Carrots, onions, and lettuce are part of which food group?
True or False: The first ingredient listed in an ingredients list is used the most
Which should you choose for a healthy snack: Whole wheat toast or white bread toast?
Whole Wheat Toast
Does chocolate milk contain natural sugar, added sugar, or both? Explain.
both natural sugar (from the milk) and added sugar (from chocolate syrup)
Is dark chocolate bad for you?
What are three examples of grains?
bread, pasta, rice, crackers, cereal, bagels, noodles, etc.
What does a serving size tell you?
how many calories and nutrients — including fat, sugar, and salt — you get from eating a specific quantity of that food
What are two examples of healthy snacks?
low-fat yogurt and strawberries, carrots and hummus, apple slices and nuts, etc.
When choosing food with fat in them you should always try and select foods with: more than 10g of fat per 100g OR less than 10g of fat per 100g?
Less than 10g of fat per 100g
True or False: Candy provides nutrients to your body
Sam ate chicken, rice and carrots for dinner. Which food groups is he missing?
fruit and dairy
Which is not a part of the Nutrition Facts Label? Calories, Allergens, Fiber, or Cholesterol?
Why is it important to eat healthy snacks?
They give your body nutrients, refuel your body, and prevent hunger between meals.
What might you see on a food label as an alternative to sugar?
Stevia, honey, fructose, syrup, etc