Fruit 1
Fruit 2
Fun facts 1
Fun facts 2

This creamy food lowers the risk of heart and inflammatory diseases.

A) Sour cream

B) Peanuts

C) avocado

What is avocado? (C)


A fruit that strengthens veins and helps maintain fresh and youthful skin.

A) Blueberries

B) Avocado

C) Apples

What are apples (C)

A cup of this vegetable can surpass the amount of calcium in a cup of milk.

A) Lettuce

B) Tomatoes

C) Kale

What is kale (C)


Adding avocadoes to your salad increases the nutritional value of everything in that bowl.

A) True

B) False

What is true (A)


Tomatoes are a vegetable

A) True

B) False

What is False? (B)


This fruit could help in memory and slow down cognitive disorders related to aging.

A) Strawberries

B) Blackberries

C) Blueberries

What are blueberries (C)


All oranges are orange!

A) True 

B) False

What is false (B)


Just like carrots, this vegetable can help with eye-sight.

A) corn

B) sweet potatoes

C) Kale

What are sweet potatoes (B)

Pumpkins and cucumber are also classed as a fruit, not a vegetable! 

A) True

B) False

What is true (A)


Strawberries are technically not a berry.

A) True

B) False

What is true? (A) 

Berries by definition have their seeds on the inside, whilst strawberries hold their 200 seeds on the outside.


Almonds are....

A) A vegetable

B) unhealthy

C) a type of dry fruit

What is a type of dry fruit (C)


The blueberry maintains its nutritional value when frozen.

A) True

B) False

What is true (A)


You should let sit after crushing or chopping and ever overcook garlic to get it's health benefits.

A) True

B) False

What is true (A)


Salmon is...

A) not good for you

B) one of the healthiest fish to eat

C) blue

What is "one of the healthiest fish to eat" (B)


This fruit can hold up to 1000 seeds! 

A) Oranges

B) Strawberry

C) Pomegranate

What is pomegranate? (C)


Blueberries are naturally low in sugar.

A) True

B) False

What is true (A)


Avocado is a vegetable.

A) True

B) False

What is false. (B)


This vegetable is part of the cabbage family.

A) Broccoli

B) corn

C) tomatoes

What is broccoli (A)


This food can significantly lower cholesterol and may help prevent breast and colon cancer.

A) Watermelon

B) Hot dogs

C) Oats

What are oats (C)


The first vegetable to be grown in space.

A) Corn

B) Potatoes 

C) Carrots.

What are potatoes? (B)


The fat in avocado is bad fats.

A) True

B) False

What is false (B)


This seed lowers unhealthy cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.

A) Peanuts

B) Almonds

C) Pumpkin seeds

What are almonds (B)


Broccoli is one of the unhealthiest foods.

A) True

B) False

What is false. (B)


The part of broccoli that you eat is flowers that are opened.

A) True

B) False

What is false (B). The part of broccoli that you eat is actually flowers which haven’t opened yet


This fruit is known to bounce.

A) Cranberries

B) Grapes

C) Kiwi

What are cranberries (A)! When they’re ripe, they bounce! Give it a go yourself.