Healthy Living
Random Trivia

This man was the first and only black man to win the US Open, and is one of the important people in 15-LOVE's history who helped us get started. 

Who is Arthur Ashe? 


This new dark leafy green ingredient was used in Healthy Futures most recent cooking demonstration. 

What is kale? 


This rare event occurs when the moon completely covers the sun during the day, and to watch this happen, you need a special type of glasses to protect your eyes. 

What is a Total Solar Eclipse?


In the month of February, we honor the history, accomplishments, contributions and struggles of this specific group of people. 

Who are Black or African Americans? 


This woman was the first Black Woman to travel into space. 

Who is Mae Jemison?


This is the staff member at 15-LOVE who was in the program himself as a child, and now is in charge of all our tennis programs. 

Who is Domingo Montes (or Coach Domingo!)? 


This fun activity requires the use of multiple ingredients including a base, dye, and essential oils. The result of this activity is something you can use in the shower or for your hands. 

What is soap-making? 


This is the undigested parts of an owl's food that is regurgitated by the owl. 

What is an owl pellet? 


This is what happens when our natural bodies of water get filled with various forms of trash and non-water substances. 

What is water pollution? 

This number is how many planets are in our solar system. 

What is eight? 


This is the group of people that most of our programs are open too. 

Who are youth in the capital region? 


This activity symbolizes our individual uniqueness, and our group unity and teamwork. 

What is the BIG Class Puzzle? 


This this is made up of multiple food chains and describes the interconnectedness of what eats what in an ecological community or habitat. If one part of this thing were to go extinct or die out, it would have a negative effect on all other parts of this thing. 

What is a food web? 


Every year, this holiday is celebrated on April 22nd, to demonstrate global support for environmental protection and justice. 

What is Earth Day? 


This city is the most populous city in the world. 

What is Tokyo, Japan? 


This is the year that 15-LOVE was founded. 

What is 1990? 


This form of relaxation involves drawing complex designs, and is supposed to help calm down from the craziness of the day. 

What is Zentangle? 


This woman made a groundbreaking discovery about chemical pesticides, that they are extremely harmful to all living things including humans, and have strong links to cancer. Her published research led to a nationwide ban on a specific chemical called DDT. 

Who was Rachel Carson? 


This is the name of a local but very rare preserve and habitat in Albany called an inland pine barren. It is home to a large diversity of species, including the endangered Karner Blue butterfly, and Lupine wildflower. 

What is the Albany Pine Bush? 


This number of months has 28 days in it. 

What is all 12 months of the year? 

These are the five main programs that 15-LOVE provides to youth in the community. 

What are tennis, literacy, STEM, healthy living, and college prep? 


This activity symbolizes our ability to make something beautiful as a group!

What is Musical Chairs Art?


This part of a seed is the first and tender leaf that emerges inside the seed when it first germinates. It is also referred to as the storage unit of the seed because it provides nutrients to different parts of the seed/embryo. 

What is the cotyledon?


This is what happens when one animal in a food chain eats contaminated food, and the next animal up eats the animal who ate the contaminated food, and the chain continues, creating higher levels of toxins as you move up in the food chain. 

What is biomagnification?


This ocean has more coastline on it than any other ocean. 

What is the Pacific Ocean?