The number one way to protect yourself from germs and illness.
What food group includes oranges, apples and bananas.
Staying hydrated is important for our health. It keeps our minds and bodies strong. What type of fluid hydrates our body the best?
What is the first thing you do when you get into a vehicle for a drive?
I felt mad so I kicked my sister. Is this a good choice or a not so good choice?
not so good choice
You should use this product each time you take a shower or bath.
Which superhero can climb up walls and buildings?
This hard working organ pumps blood and oxygen though out our entire body. It's located in the chest and is the size of a fist.
This will protect your skull while riding a bike.
What is a helmet.
I am frustrated so I take deep breaths. Is this a good choice or not so good choice?
Good choice!
Two things you need to do for your teeth everyday.
Brush and Floss
Which shape has three sides, and it looks like a slice of pizza?
Physical activity is very important. Name 2 activities you can do indoors that gets your body moving.
dancing, hide and seek, hot lava, cleaning/chores, scavenger hunts, yoga, stretching...
You wear this while playing or swimming outside in the sun.
What's the emotion...You might feel this way if a friend is mean to you.
How many hours of sleep should 6-12 year olds get every night?
9-12 hours
What food do pandas eat?
The number of minutes we should be moving, playing or exercising each day.
60 min (1 hour)
Where is the safest spot to sit in a vehicle if you're under 12 years old?
the back seat
My face gets really red and I start to yell. This happens when someone does something I really don't like. What emotion am I displaying?
How long before bedtime should you stop looking at your screen devices, so you sleep well at night?
1 hour
In sports, what does MVP mean?
Most Valuable Player
It's important to keep your heart healthy. Name 2 ways you can keep your heart health.
Eating healthy
Drinking water
Describe what's the safest way to cross a street?
Always use cross walks, stop at the curb, look both ways, and listen for cars.
My heart starts to beat really fast, my hands feel sweaty and I feel butterflies in my tummy. What emotion am I displaying?
Anxious, nervous or scared