True or False? Potato Chips are a healthy snack option.
(Maybe try some cheese with whole grain crackers instead!)
Name a blue or purple fruit or veggie.
Eggplant, blueberries, purple grapes, figs, plums
Name 3 different fruits.
Strawberry, Apple, Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, etc.
What is the sweet substance made by bees?
True or false? India is the world’s largest producer of bananas.
This healthy breakfast option comes from chickens.
Do coconut trees grow better in cold or warm climates?
Name 3 different vegetables.
Cucumber, Celery, Carrots, Lettuce, Corn, etc.
What is the popular food used to carve jack-o-lanterns during Halloween?
This is the only fruit to have seeds on the outside.
Which of these should you drink the most of in one day?
A) Milk B) Water C) Orange Juice
B) Water
You should drink 6-8 cups of water a day!
What fruit looks like a big orange but is usually pink or yellow in color.
Name 3 common grains.
wheat, rice, oats, corn, and barley
What food is used as the base of guacamole?
These vegetables are popular replacements for grains.
Yellow Squash & Zucchini --> Pasta
Cauliflower --> Rice
Peanut butter is a healthy fat. What can you eat with peanut butter to make a healthy snack?
Bananas, Apples, Celery
How many servings of fruits and vegetables should you eat each day?
5 or more
Name 3 different proteins.
Beef, Chicken, Fish, Eggs, etc.
True or False? "Beefsteak" is a kind of tomato.
Maize is another name for what vegetable?
If you wanted to make your smoothie even healthier, what vegetables could you add to it?
Spinach, Kale, Avocado
Name one other veggie that is in the same family as cabbage, also called cruciferous veggies?
cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts
Name 3 healthy fats.
Avocado, Olive Oil, Nuts, Nut Butters, etc.
Are humans herbivores, omnivores, or carnivores?
Omnivores. Omnivores eat both meat and vegetables!
These "vegetables" aren't really vegetables at all! They are actually considered fruits!
Tomatos, Olives, Peppers, Cucumbers, Avocados, etc.
These are considered fruits because they have seeds!