This is a round fruit, its color is green. It is delicious and healthy. You can eat it in salads or soups. In some countries you can drink it in a juice.
guess the name of the fruit
Man goes
Man go
Correct the next sentence:
Drink soda is healthy for your body because it contains a lot of sugar.
DrinkING soda is UNhealthy for your body because it contains a lot of sugar.
answer the riddle:
I come from an animal. I am white, you can drink me. I am in the dairy group. Who am I?
the milk
I grow on top of the ground. I can only be eaten cooked. My shape is quite round. There are many seeds inside me. My seeds are tasty.
I can be used for decoration.
Go on
Bring a black sock.
1. allB
2. tcherBu
3. ogMna
1. Ball
2. Butcher
3. Mango
Bring a healthy food.
Go on
The fifth sister is playing chess with Lorraine.
Because it is not raining
There is no smoke, the train is electric.
Wednesday, Tom and Joe went to a restaurant and ate dinner. When they were done they paid for the food and left. But Tom and Joe didn't pay for the food.
Who did?
Wednesday paid.
Invent a recipe with the next ingredients:
1. 2 eggs
2. A cup of hugs
3. An apple
4. A cup of chocolate
5. A bottle of love
Go on
they eat crabs and shellfish
they have three hearts and long arms
they can change their colors and protect themselves.
1. Going to the beach and swiming in cool waters.
2. The riskiest place to swim is the ocean. Because of the sharks.
3. Yes.
4. Because it is very dark.
Do you prefer cookies or bananas? why?
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The name of the fifth son is Johnny
Go on
How would students learn things in school years ago?
Students would memorize things.
What was a rural school building like in the past?
It was a just 1 classroom building.
Why did people go to bed early?
Because there was no electricity or technological items.
Playing the piano
What three games do children still play today?
Jump rope
Playing cards