My Plate
Portions, Labels, & Mindful Eating
Hydration & Sugar
Produce, Grocery Shopping & Eating Out
Physical Activity

Name one fruit AND one vegetable.

Any fruit AND any vegetable. 


On food labels, this refers to the amount of food that is typically eaten at one time. 

Serving Size


What is the best drink in the world for your body?



Which is a healthier choice? Fried chicken or grilled chicken

Grilled chicken


Which is not an example of exercise?

-Walking with family or pets. -Playing outside. -Sitting still.

Sitting still.


Name one form of protein. 

Any of these options: Meat, yogurt, milk, egg, beans, nuts, fish.


On food labels, the nutrition information listed on the label is based on how many servings of the food?



How many glasses of water should most people drink each day at a minimum?

8 cups


Where in the grocery store should you plan to get most of your foods?

The outside areas (fresh fruits and veggies, meats, eggs, dairy, fish) 


How much physical activity should ADULTS get each WEEK?

2.5 hours (150 minutes)


Name one example of dairy.

Any of the following examples: milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream. 


On food labels, this shows the total number of servings in the entire food package or container.

Servings per container


Name one situation where we need to drink more water:

-It is hot.

-We are exercising.

-We are sweating.

-We are eating salty foods.


Name one reason why eating seasonal produce is a good thing.

Variety in our diets. Food is fresher. Food travels less and has more nutrients. Better for planet for food to travel less. Food tends to be cheaper in season. Can support farmers and local small businesses at farmers markets.


Why is it important to exercise and stay active? (Name one reason.)

Keeps our bodies strong. Keeps our bodies healthy. Good for our mood. Good for heart, lungs, and brain. Good for our muscles and bones. Good for our immune system.


What are TWO examples of grains?

Any TWO of the following: bread, rice, cereal, oatmeal, pasta, quinoa, couscous


For most adults, should the serving of cereal be 1 fist (1 cup) or 2 fists (2 cups)?

2 fists (2 cups)


Name one way to make water more fun to drink:

-Make flavored water recipes using fruits & herbs

-Make fruit and herb infused ice cubes

-Swap out soda for UNSWEETENED, flavored sparkling water or seltzer 


Name one strategy for making healthier choices when eating out. 

Look for grilled, baked, broiled, steamed or roasted options instead of breaded or fried. Get vegetables as your starter or side dish. Choose fruit as a side or dessert. Split your dish or take-home leftovers. Ask for sauce or dressing on the side.


Give a reason why it is important to find forms of physical activity that you LIKE to do? PLUS give an example of physical activity that you enjoy doing. 

Any of these reasons + any physical activity/exercise: If you enjoy the activity you will do it more often, it won't feel like a chore, you will have fun, be happier, be healthier. 


In My Plate meals, 50% of the plate should be made of which two food groups combined?

Fruits and vegetables should make up 50% of the plate. 


Why is it recommended to avoid watching TV or looking at screens while eating? (name one reason)

-Are not paying attention to what and how much we are eating. -It is easy for us to eat too quickly. -It is easy for us to eat too much. -We might not realize we are full, because we are not paying attention. -We miss an opportunity to connect with family and friends in conversation and shared mealtime. 


Name one "sneaky" food where sugar is hidden.

-Sauces, BBQ, ketchup, salad dressings


-Cereal, granola

-Juices, sports drinks, other beverages


Name one strategy for making healthier choices for at home meals and shopping.

-Plan ahead, make a meal plan, make a list for the store, don't shop when hungry, meal prep to make cooking healthy meals easier when busy, read labels  


How much physical activity should school age CHILDREN (6-17 years) get each DAY?

1 hour (60 minutes)