Loma Linda

This is the state Loma Linda is located in in the U.S.A.

What is California.


Sardinia is an island located in this country.

What is Italy.

Women or men tend to make up the majority of centenarians in this Japanese island known for longevity.

What is women.


Nicoya is a peninsula in this country, noted for its exotic wildlife, adventure sports, and tropical cloud forests.

What is Costa Rica.

The island of Ikaria is located in this country.

What is Greece.


Loma Linda residents emphasize a very well researched way of eating that many believe could be their secret to longevity. This eating style emphasizes food choices from this food source.

What are plants (fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains, etc.)


Name two examples of good carbs and why they are "good" (what about them makes them healthy)

What are beans, whole grain carbs like whole wheat pasta, sourdough bread, corn, etc.

Generally they are good because they have fiber which is great for digestion. Also, sourdough bread uses a fermentation process that creates bacteria that is beneficial for gut health.


We sampled this fruit in class when Mary also brought her delicious cake.

What is a dragon fruit.


The translation to Spanish of the English phrase Life Plan.

Plan da vida.


Often drank in tea, this sweet treat is farmed in Ikaria and comes in a raw unfiltered variety much healthier than those we commonly find at our grocery stores.

What is honey.


This activity, done often by Loma Linda residents for no pay and with other people typically, has been shown to improve memory, social connectedness, and foster higher levels of happiness.

What is Volunteering.


This physical characteristic of the neighborhood in Sardinia might explain why Sardinian people get so much moderate exercise just walking to and from. Is it a) the length of the streets b) the elevation above sea level of the neighborhood c) the steepness of the inclines.

What is c.


Ikigai is a Japanese word to describe a person's what.

What is purpose in life.


The three sisters are three foods that comprise a meal Nicoyans eat that has all the essential amino acids found in meat. Name two of those three foods.

What are squash, corn, and beans (black).


An activity that burns a similar amount of calories as running, Ikarians will do this with family and friends.

What is dance.


The faith-based community members at Loma Linda mainly practice this religion.

What is Seventh-day Adventists (a Protestant Christian denomination that recognizes Saturday as the Sabbath).


When we feel the stress response, glucose levels spike in our blood and our body can experience inflammation. This is an evolutionary response to stress, also called this response.

What is fight or flight.


This is the name of an arrangement between Okinawans meant to ensure that if someone gets sick, resources like money can go towards helping the person in need. The arrangement many times leads to friendships.

What is a Moai.


Since the mid 90's every Nicoyan has been given the right by the government to have a professional in this field of practice visit them to check on their well being.

What is Health Care (the people who visit are called Health Care Ambassadors).


Drinking this beverage has been shown to help people live longer when it is made from the ingredients that Ikarians use and drank in moderation.

What is wine.


One of the two sports shown being done by Loma Linda residents in the video "Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones."

What are water aerobics or pickleball.


Caring for a relative in their home by visiting and doing choirs is a great way to battle the loneliness epidemic. When a person is in a blank, they tend to lose a sense of independence.

What is a nursing home.


The color of the sweet potato Okinawans are famous for eating.

What is purple.


A Nicoyan's blank age is 10 years younger than their chronological age.

What is biological.


By nurturing a relationship and investing in the other person, Ikarians (and people from all over the globe can) create strong blank with each other.

What is partnerships.