Always wear your ____ ____ when in the car, or you will be making an unhealthy choice.
What is seatbelt.
This is the amount of sleep you should be getting each night.
What is 9-11 hours.
Many athletes j_ _ _ _ r _ _ _ e to improve or quicken their footwork.
What is jump rope.
True or False. It's okay to have a donut and a soda for breakfast each morning because it's better than having nothing.
What is false. Donuts and soda are loaded with sugar which give your body a high and then you crash, neither of which are good for learning.
Name one food that is in the dairy group
What could be milk, yogurt, cheese...
How many bones are in the human body (clue: it is a 3-digit number). The digits are 0, 6, and 2~ what order should they be in?
What is 206.
If you have good endurance, you are probably A) A long distance runner B) A cheerleader C) A couch potato
What is A. Endurance means you can keep up physical activity for a lengthy period of time.
Letting my friends talk me into harmful/hurtful things like smoking, drinking, bullying, breaking the law, etc. is called? Hint: the answer is two words, both start with "P"
What is peer pressure.