Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset or Fixed Mindset?
Calming Strategies

What kinds of things grow?

Plants, animals, humans, brains, feet.


Is this a growth mindset or fixed mindset? 

"I’m getting smarter every day."

Growth Mindset


Fill in the blank. Being mindful is being in the ________ moment.



Name one adult in your life you can talk to when things are hard or you need help.

Examples: Parent, aunt, uncle, teacher, Ms. G, Mrs. Hofer!


What was your favorite activity that you did this weekend?

answers vary


What does it mean to grow? 

To get bigger, smarter, stronger, faster, kinder, etc. To improve!


Is this a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?

"I can't do anything right."

Fixed Mindset


True or False. When you are practicing mindfulness, you are NOT worrying about what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow. You are focused on the present moment.



When you made your calming jar, you picked three types of glitter to represent THREE things that are very important in our daily lives. What are those three things?

Thoughts, feelings, and actions!


What are the benefits of yoga?

Helps you have a calm body and mind. Helps you practice mindfulness and be in the present moment. Helps you relax. Helps you with flexibility and strength.


True or False. Our brains can grow.



Is this growth mindset or fixed mindset?

"This is good enough."

Fixed Mindset


Being mindful means using our five senses. What are our five senses? Please list them.

Touch, Taste, Sight, Smell, Hearing


When the calming jar is swirling, what does that represent?

Your thoughts, feelings, and actions feeling out of control, stressed, unorganized, etc. We don't feel calm and in control of ourselves.


Demonstrate a yoga pose/move that helps you feel calm.

Examples: Child pose, tree pose, cobra pose. 


What does growth mindset mean?

Having a growth mindset means having an open mind and trying new things, even when they are hard. It means not giving up and seeing the positives in every situation.


Is this growth mindset or fixed mindset?

"This is too hard."

If it is fixed, how can you change it to make it a growth mindset statement?

Fixed Mindset

Examples: "I'm going to try my best." or "I can do hard things."


Give an example of a time you practiced mindfulness, either in our sessions, in school, or at home.

Club: Nature Walk, Five Senses Activity, Wheel of Choice Activity


What comes first? Thoughts, feelings, or actions?

Our thoughts happen first! Our thoughts impact our feelings, which impact our actions! If we have positive thoughts, we are more likely to feel good and show expected behaviors!


What is one thing you will be sure to remember or practice after this week, once our session is over? What will you take away from our session and time together?

Use the calming jar when I am stressed, remember to have a growth mindset when things are hard, etc.


What does it mean to have a fixed mindset?

It means that you give up when things are hard because you don't think you can get better. Giving up easily. It can mean being stubborn or rigid or only trying something one way, even if it doesn't work.

Come up with a growth mindset statement and a fixed mindset statement.

Growth Mindset Examples: "Mistakes help me learn." "I can do hard things."

Fixed Mindset Examples: "I will never get better." "I can't do this!" "This is too hard!"


Give an example of a way you can be mindful at school.

Paying attention and listening to the teacher.

Being kind to peers/classmates.

Following directions.

Doing my work.


Other than a calming jar, please name two additional tools or strategies you can use to help yourself calm down when you are feeling stressed, angry, or frustrated.

Examples: Deep breathing, listening to music, squeezing your fists, breathing in some fresh air, talking to an adult.


What are two ways you can take care of your body to stay healthy?

Eat healthy (fruits and vegetables)

Get enough sleep
