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Name three swimming strokes

What are back, side, freestyle, crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, doggy paddle, frog, and, elementary?


A form of art that is done with folding paper.

What is Origami?


The character that lives in a pinneapple under the sea.

Who is Sponge Bob Square Pants?


Two no cost places to engage in healthy leisure.

What are the Zoo on free days, Museum on free days, parks, the beach, a library?  


An electric guitar needs this to be heard by an audience.

What is an amp, or amplifier?


The three passes in volleyball.

What are bump, set, spike, volley pass, underhand pass, block, pancake, kick (not allowed more than once)?


A hobby where one hooked stick and wool can produce a pair of scarf.

What is crochet?


An across and down puzzle.

What is a crossword? Also acceptable: Sudoku.


The direction one would travel to visit Mount Rushmore.

What is West? It is located in South Dakota.


Two instruments that require a reed to play.

What are woodwind instruments including, oboe, clarinet, Saxaphone, Basoon?


Name 3 categories of events in track and field. (Not specific events, kinds of events.)

What are Running, Jumping and Throwing? 

(There are also combined events like the decathlon, but those combine some of the original 3 skills.)


When a photo album is decorated with stickers, paper and/or string.

What is scrapbooking?


What category does time travel, superheroes and wizards all fit into?

What is 'Science Fiction and Fantasy'?


A dance which doesn't require partners because it's danced in a group.

What are Conga, Kailie (Irish dancing), line dancing, square dancing, Step, The Hockey Pokey, The Chicken Dance, The Macarena, Just Dance, Jazz dance, Tap dance?


The name for singing without any music accompaniment.

What is acapella?


In basketball, a way for an offensive player to get free of the defensive player covering them that involves a teammate standing firmly and the person with the ball going past them closely. 

What is a pick? ...also called a screen.


The kind of artists' paint that dries fast and is waterproof when dry.

What is acrylic paint?


What is a video game whose name also means the period of time of two weeks?

What is Fortnite?


The name of two amusement parks that are less than a three-hour drive away.

What are Six Flags, water parks, the dells (mount Olympus etc), Bay beach Amusement Park in Green Bay, Action Territory in Kenosha, Cinco de Mayo Festival, church festivals, and community festivals?


The term for making up lyrics on the spot in hip-hop.

  What is freestyling?


In Football, when a quarterback intentionally throws a pass that has no chance of being caught. Often to avoid a sack or loss of yards. 

When is a intentionally downing?


This is how one gets air pockets out of the clay, if one wants to make a piece out of ceramics that can be fired safely. 

What is wedging? Also acceptable: kneading.


In Minecraft, the level one would have to dig down to to get diamonds.

What is at least Level -50 in the 2022 update; before that it was Y11 or 12? 


A Wisconsin Park that has some of the best rock climbing in the country (and good hiking and swimming). 

What is Devil's Lake State Park?


How many lines there are in the music staff.

What are 5 or 10?  It's 10 if the treble and Bass are included.