Being genuinely concerned for another and wanting what is best for them? What C is this?
The person finds it hard to communicate with you about issues and feelings.
Poor Communication
Paired people are less likely to have production of cortisol in the body
Less Stress
What is the glue that holds the relationship together? What C is this?
A person who is not honest with themselves, or you.
Compulsive lying
Key to loyalty
Having someone to help take your mind off pain
Better healing
What is the life blood of relationships? What C is this?
A person who does not hold themselves accountable for their actions and lacks personal integrity and respect for you.
Not taking responsibility
Being true selves
Healing wounds
Set the tone for an overall healthy lifestyle
Healthier Behaviors
What is recognizing that we are all human and make mistakes, as we extend grace and forgiveness towards another? What C is this?
Arguments that get heated between people where they can get violent or mentally mean towards another.
Appreciative attitude
Healthy Limits
Mutual respect for boundaries
Feeling like you're doing something good for someone else and improving the world in some way
Greater sense of purpose
What is the act of resolving disagreements by taking both sides wants/needs into account and seeking a solution where both are giving up something and getting something.
When your friends and family do not like this person, and dislike them around you.
No one likes this person for you.
Bonding experiences
Quality time
Foundation of success
Shared Values and Goals
Adding years to your life
Longer life