What is an emotional support animal?
An example of a conflict between friends...
What is someone not inviting you to celebrate their birthday? (There are many examples of this...)
How do you know if someone is angry?
Shutting down, irritability, yelling, turning red, etc. (Many examples of this...)
What makes someone a good friend?
They are kind and loyal, fun to be around, positive, etc. (Many other examples...)
Which word demonstrates a healthy relationship - dramatic or respectful?
Respectful - showing politeness and kindness, is healthy.
An example of a working animal
What is a service animal or police/military animal?
An example of a conflict with a family member...
What is a parent telling me to clean up my room? (Many examples of this...)
Cussing at someone - is this healthy or toxic behavior?
Toxic behavior, cussing at someone is not healthy.
When watching the Disney short, Kitbull, the story was about an unexpected friendship between a cat and a ____?
Dog! Pitbull, to be exact!
Which word demonstrates a healthy relationship -positive or deceitful?
Positive - being joyful and sincere, is healthy.
Percy is an example of this
What is a nonworking animal?
An example of a conflict with an animal...
What is a dog that is foaming in the mouth blocking my path on the sidewalk? (Many examples of this...)
Pushing or shoving someone - is this healthy or toxic behavior?
Toxic behavior - getting physical with someone is not healthy behavior.
When watching the Disney short, Presto, the conflict between the Magician and his rabbit started when the Magician forgot to feed his rabbit what?
A carrot!
Which word demonstrates a healthy relationship -comforting or jealous?
Comforting, helping someone who is feeling bad, is healthy.
There is a service dog ahead of you in line at the grocery store - you should...
Ignore the dog, not pet it, because it is working right now.
An example of how to meditate conflict...
What is apologizing for behavior and coming to a compromise? (Many examples of this...)
What are some ways you can calm your body?
When Aura, Josh, and Ruth acted out scenarios about friendship - Aura's character threw what at Josh's character on accident?
A tennis ball!
Which word demonstrates a healthy relationship - exhausting or accepting?
Accepting, understanding someone and being open, is healthy.
There is a loose dog at Sevier Park, and it shows its teeth growling at you when you approach, you should...
Back away calmly, do not approach, and let a trusted adult know that there is a dog that is loose.
An example of apologizing in conflict...
Sally yelled and cussed at her friend Frances for taking her phone without asking. Frances got upset that Sally yelled and cussed at her. What could Sally do differently next time to communicate her feelings better to Frances?
Sally could take a deep breath and ask Frances to give her phone back firmly (but not yelling) and tell her that she doesn't like when people touch her things without permission. (Many answers to this...)
Carter is playing basketball with his friends. Jackson is new to Friends Life and comes over to see if he can play. Carter's friend Aiden says, “we already have even teams, if you play, we won’t be even anymore!” What can Carter do to be a good friend to Jackson?
Carter can include Jackson in playing basketball, and let Aiden know that he will sit out so the teams will still be even. (Many possible answers...)
Which word demonstrates a healthy relationship - controlling or honest?