
Is conflict in a relationship bad?

No. Conflict can be good in a relationship. Overcoming conflicts can strengthen a relationship.


Your friend gets angry when you talk to other friends/people. What kind of relationship is this?

Unhealthy relationship.  Being someone’s friend doesn’t mean you are only allowed to hang out with them.


What is a key to a lot of successful relationships that helps when you have an argument with your friend?

Communication.  If you can’t communicate in your relationship, then you won’t know anything about each other and you won’t be able to solve any arguments.


What are some signs of a healthy relationship?

Respect, trust, honesty, and communication


What is a positive affirmation you can say to yourself to help improve self-esteem?



What is a way to get involved in conflict that could be harmful?

Yelling, shouting, blaming, hitting, etc.


Your friend encourages you to go after your dreams.  What kind of relationship is this?

Healthy relationship.  Friends should support you to follow your passions.


When you are with your friend, what should you pay attention to other than the actual words they are using?

If he/she looks happy or sad, tone of voice (nonverbal      communication)


Who can be in an unhealthy relationship?

Anyone. Some people think that they will never be in an unhealthy relationship.  They think that it will only happen to other people. This is not true. ANYONE can be in an unhealthy relationship.


Three people I can turn to for help (be specific)



What is one way you can avoid making your friend feel bad when talking about a difficult issue?

Use sentences that start with “I.”  Talk about your own feelings. Try to understand where the other person is coming from.  Avoid accusing the other person.


Your friend supports your interests by going to events that you’re involved in (e.g. musical concerts, sporting events, etc.). Is this healthy or unhealthy?

Healthy relationship. This means that, even though they might not like the event, they came to see you because they know it would make you feel supported.


What is one solution you can name if you are having problems communicating with your friend?

Talk to your friend, go to an adult for advice.


Is it healthy to be involved in activities or organizations outside of your relationship?

Yes.  You shouldn’t just be with one person all the time.  You should be able to do things that you want even if your friend doesn’t do them with you.


What is something you can do to ensure that you are taking care of yourself and keeping your sanity in a relationship?

Keep balance in your life (ex: between a relationship, friends, family, school/classes, work, and other activities)


What is something you can do to cool down during a disagreement?

Take a time-out from the disagreement. Limit your discussion time.


Your friend often makes you feel like every problem in your relationship with them is your fault. Is this healthy or unhealthy?

Unhealthy relationship. Instead of blaming you, you should both                              talk out your problems together.


What is one way to make sure that you and your friend are communicating so that you both understand each other?

Being honest, listening, asking questions


What is the difference between being popular and being a friend?

Being popular doesn’t mean that you are a good friend.  A good friend is caring and being popular means that you can be mean but people will still like you.


Three meaningful activities I can do to feel (emotionally) closer to someone in my family.

Anything your heart desires


What are some things that can turn a disagreement into a fight?

Making threats, saying things like, “Do this, or else! not being willing to take the blame, getting physical with your friend, etc.


Your friend is constantly trying to know what you are doing, where you are, and who you are with. Is this healthy or unhealthy?

Unhealthy relationship.  This is a controlling relationship.  Your friend shouldn’t need to know where you are every second of every day.


When you ask for help for yourself or your friend, do you consider that reporting or snitching?

Reporting. If you think that something could be harmful to you or your friend, you should ask for help to make sure you both don’t get hurt.


Who can you contact in an emergency if you are worried about your safety or the safety of someone else (like your friend)?

The police or 911, guidance counselor, social worker, school safety officer, etc.


You start off with a solid foundation for a healthy relationship with your partner/friend. What is something that you can acknowledge that will help your relationship grow?

Discuss expectations, have realistic expectations, and realize that relationships and people change (so be flexible!)