Green Light
Red Light
Unhealthy or Healthy?

Healthy Relationships include which of the following?

a) Having fun together

b) Keeping constant tabs on your partner

c) Respect & Trust

d) Having friends/ interests outside of the relationship

a) Having fun together

c) Respect & Trust

d) Having friends/ interests outside of the relationship

You feel like it is your duty to protect your partners reputation or cover up their mistakes. GL or RL?
RED Light- it is ok to support your partner but boundaries must be set for taking responsibility for one's own actions.
Partner encourages you to pursue your goals.
Healthy- support and encouragement to pursue positive & productive goals are keys to a healthy relationship
Being physically abused is the only way to get hurt in a relationship.
FALSE- abuse and pain can be inflicted mentally, emotionally, sexually, physically
Does being in a relationship mean you must give up your friends?
NO- having friends outside of your romantic relationship is healthy. It is important to have other social supports to rely on.
Is it ok if your partner does not introduce you to their family within the first few months of dating?
Yes. In fact that is a reasonable amount of time.
Your partner does not like when you interact with other people when you go out, GL or RL?
RED Light- jealousy
You make your partner feel like every problem is their fault.
Unhealthy- important for each partner to own up to their own mistakes
Conflict & Fighting are the same
FALSE- conflict can be a difference in opinion that can be dealt with positively. Fighting may include yelling and insults.
Who are targets of an unhealthy relationship?
How may the way you feel about yourself effect your relationship?
If you view yourself in a positive way this may help you to be a good partner / attract a good partner.
Your partner is usually kind and sweet then suddenly becomes angry and insults you, GL or RL?
RED Light- irrational mood swings are unhealthy
Your partner wants to know where you are at all times.
Unhealthy- communication is important however keeping tabs may be a feeling of possession over the other and insecurity
Every healthy relationship is the same.
FALSE- no two relationships look the same

Healthy relationships include which of the following?

a) sharing feelings

b) laughing together

c) doing things you enjoy together

d) all of the above

d) all of the above are indicators of a healthy relationships
A key skill in healthy relationships involves talking things out and sharing information and opinions with each other. What is this skill?
One partner is constantly accusing other of cheating, RL or GL?
RED Light- insecurities are unhealthy in a relationship
You feel as is you can be yourself around your partner.
Healthy- important to feel comfortable with your partner
Being aware of unhealthy patterns means you are looking for them.
FALSE- being aware helps to keep the relationship on track and safe
Do healthy relationships just happen?
NO- healthy relationships require work and effort from both parties involved.

"The Golden Rule" known as treating people the way we would want to be treated can be referred to as?

what is respecting yourself and others


Which of the following is NOT a Red Light in a relationship?

a) having an argument

b) insulting/ putting down partner

c) jealousy/ isolation

a) having an argument - disagreements are ok in relationships once dealt with productively & respectfully.
You both look forward to being together.
Healthy- a good indicator if you feel happy and excited to be with your partner
Both partners are responsible for themselves.
TRUE- even in a relationship you are still your own person.

You can:

a) change your partner

b) change yourself

c)expect change


We can only change and control ourselves.