In the U.S., this many adolescents experience emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.
1 in 3.
Conflict is the same as fighting.
False. Conflict can escalate to fighting.
Your partner gets upset because you want to go to the movies with a friend instead of them.
Your partner wants to look through your phone to see who you've been Snapchatting.
Which rock star is beloved by Lilo in Lilo & Stitch?
True or False: On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States.
Most people in relationships experience some type of abuse.
False. Healthy relationships have conflict but not abuse.
Your partner congratulates you and celebrates your accomplishments.
You do your hair differently for school and your partner accuses you of looking nice for other people. During lunch lunch he sees you and he tugs it.
Joy, Anger, Fear, Disgust and Sadness guide what girl's emotions in Inside Out?
True or False: Women are the only victims of abuse in relationships.
False. Men can also be victims.
Abusers often change if you tell them how you feel.
False. Most abusers require some type of treatment in order to be reformed.
Your partner demands access to your social media accounts.
Your partner says if you don't send inappropriate pictures of yourself they will break up with you.
Which princess is based on a real person?
True or False: Only 33% of teens who were in a violent relationship told someone.
True. 66% go unreported.
Who can you call if you are experiencing dating violence?
Parents, Teachers, Domestic Violence Center.
Your partner raises their voice at you for not answering texts quickly.
Your partner calls you stupid in front of other people.
Emotional/ Verbal.
Who voices Rapunzel?
Mandy Moore
This age group of girls is most likely to experience abuse by a partner.
Females between the ages of 16 and 24.
If you are in immediate danger, you should call your friends.
False. Call 911.
Your partner tells you they miss you when they didn't see you over the weekend.
Your partner is constantly borrowing money from you and doesn't pay.
What was the first Disney movie ever made?
Snow White (1937)