Addiction cycle
Breaking the cycle

True or False? 

Nearly 50% of all poisoning deaths are caused by drugs according to the CDC.

FALSE: Nearly 90% of all poisoning deaths are caused by drugs according to the CDC.


True or false? The addiction cycle can be broken.

True: The addiction cycle can be broken.


What does the pre-contemplation part of breaking the cycle mean?

The addict has given no thought to quitting


What is a drug? (definition)

Def. of a drug: any chemical compound used for the diagnosis or treatment of disease or injury, for the relief of pain, or the feeling it causes.


What is addiction?

Addiction is a neuropsychological disorder characterized by persistent use of a drug despite substantial harm and adverse consequences. Repetitive drug use often alters brain function in ways that perpetuate craving and undermine self-control.


What does the contemplation part of breaking the cycle mean?

Quitting begins to enter the mind


Are all drugs illegal?

No, they can either be pharmaceutical (including both prescription and over the counter products) or illicit.


How does the process of addiction begin?

The process of addiction begins when a person tries a drug for the first time.


When a person with an addiction prepares to quit... that is called the __ stage of breaking the cycle.



What are some examples of drugs?

Examples of drugs: hydrocodone, marijuana, oxycodone, adderall, codeine, etc.


What is tolerance?

After repeated use, these receptors get overstimulated and it becomes harder for the drug user to get high. As a result, the user takes more of the drug to get the original effect (known as tolerance).


When treatment is sought... this is called the ___ stage of breaking the cycle.



What is the difference between misuse and overuse?

Overdose def.: when a drug is eaten, inhaled, injected or absorbed through the skin in excessive amounts and injures the body. They can either be intentional or unintentional (meaning if the person taking or giving a substance did not mean to cause harm). 

misuse/abuse: the use of illicit or prescription or over the counter drugs in a manner other than as directed.


What happens if a person with an addiction tries to reduce or stop the use of the drug?

If a person with an addiction tries to reduce or stop the use of the drug, they will experience unpleasant symptoms (nausea, sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle and bone pain) as the body struggles to adjust to the absence of the drug. This is known as withdrawal.


What are some treatments for drug addiction?



-Behavioral therapy


-Support groups