Healthy Communication

What are two examples of healthy family communication?

-Eye contact 

-Allowing both sides to share their side of the story 


-breaks (if necessary)


What does a good relationship with your parents look like….

  • Respect for each other

  • Understanding each other’s feelings

  • Trust for one another

  • Concern for the other’s well being

  • Knowing each other’s wants, likes, dislikes, and what is important to them


What was the first soft drink in space?

Coca Cola


True or False: It is important to make sure that the time and place is right for having good conversations.



Fill in the blank: 

Trust and Respect are built on keeping your ___.

Trust and Respect are built on keeping your promises.


What is the name of the biggest technology company in South Korea?

Answer: Samsung


Changes happen in 5 different developmental areas. Name 3 of the 5. 


  • Physical

  • Mental                                    

  • Social

  • Emotional

  • Moral


True or false: 

It is important to listen actively and to make an effort to understand what other people are trying to communicate.



What is the name of the largest ocean on earth?

Answer: Pacific Ocean


Why Don’t You Talk to Your Parents? (think examples from the presentation)

  • Fear that you are not trusted

  • Being misunderstood

  • Fear of punishment

  • Fear of lecture

  • Feeling that parents are stubborn

  • Indifference

  • Don’t want anyone “in your business”


How can you build a good relationship with you parents?

  • Be Courteous

  • Be Thoughtful

  • Communicate your own needs and perspectives respectfully

  • Ask clarifying questions

  • Recognize Special Efforts

  • Use "I statements"

Describe the Vulcan mind-meld.

*For a bonus 100 points, describe the "how" as well as the "what."

Vulcans (a species from Star Trek that suppress their emotions in favor of logic) can forge a direct connection from their own mind to the mind of another being in order to directly experience that being's thought, emotions, memories, etc. (Telepathic link is also acceptable). 

 HOW: they place their thumb on the other person's jaw line, and the next two fingers on their temple, and say "My mind to your mind. My thoughts to your thoughts."


What are some tips for communication? (think examples from the presentation)

  • Listen

  • Think about both points of view.

  • What are the common goals?

  • Show interest

  • Be direct

  • Try to answer with detail

  • Control your emotions

  • Be honest

  • Be respectful

  • Don’t argue

  • Support each other

  • Focus on topic

  • Use positive body language



Why is it important to spend time together with your family?

  • It helps all of you to learn more about one another.

  • It strengthens communication.

  • It shows that you are all making an effort and that you care.


Which is the only edible food that never goes bad?
