
Your partner/friend is constantly keeping tabs on what you are doing and who you are with.What type of relationship is this? Healthy or Unhealthy.. why?

Unhealthy- Your partner/friend should trust you and allow you to have the freedom to live your life the way you wish to. 


Is conflict the same as fighting? Why?

No conflict is when two or more people are not liking the way one person is being. Fighting is when people are trying to address the conflict and having one person win in the end. 


What is the key to many successful relationships that helps us navigate conflict and happy times?



Who can you contact in an emergency if you are worried about your safety or the safety of someone else?

911 or a trusted adult


Share one coping strategy that you use when you are stressed out. 

Playing sports, listening to music, talking to friends, deep breathing, talking to a trusted adult.


Your partner/ friend makes you feel like every problem in your relationship is always your fault. What type of relationship is this? How can you address it?

Unhealthy- Use I statements when having a discussion with partner/friend. Example: "I feel like when things go wrong I am to blame for this problem in our relationship".


What is an unhealthy way to engage in conflict ?

Yelling, blaming others, constantly avoiding, arguing. 


Which is the best communication in a relationship?

A.) Assertive

B.) Passive




What is the coded word at LH to indicate that you are not in a safe place?



What is something you can do to ensure that you are taking care of yourself and keeping your sanity in a relationship?

Keeping a balance in your life. Example: relationship with partner, friends, family, school, work, fun activities, self care.

Your partner/friend supports your intrests and passions by attending events that you are involved in (musical shows, sport games, volunteering events). What type of relationship is this? Healthy or Unhealthy.. Why?

Healthy - Your partner/freind is supporting you in a positive way. They notice that these things make you grow in positive ways as a person. 


What is something you can do to cool down during a disagreement?

Take some deep breaths, tell the other person that you need 10 minutes to allow yourself to regroup. Take a walk, have a drink of water. 


What is one way you can avoid making your friend/partner defensive when talking about a difficult issue?

Use I statement, talk about your own feelings, try to understand where the other person is coming from. 


Can sexual assault occur between people who know each other? 

Yes, sexually assault can impact anyone. 


A friend always leave garbage and uneaten food in your bedroom and never cleans it up. You are feeling disrespected. Change this scenario into an I statement.

I feel disrespected when you leave garbage and uneaten food in my room because it seems as though my personal space is being invaded. 


What are some indicators of healthy relationship?

communication, trust, honesty, healthy boundaries, respect. 


Your friend came to you and explained that they are an abuser in their romantic relationship with their boyfriend . How do you support them? 

Do not ignore the abuse or justify their behaviours. Help them in calling/ reaching out to professional supports. 


What are some problems that can occur in a relationship from lack of communcation?

arguing, misunderstanding, confusion, assumptions. 


The music video by Eminem and Rhianna "love the way you lie" is this a healthy or unhealthy relationship example? Why?



What is a digital footprint?

The information about a particular person that exists on the internet's a result of their online activity. Once you post something, it never goes away. You cannot delete it fully. 


Why is it important to learn about healthy relationships?

It is important to learn about healthy relationships so that we can know that we deserve to feel loved, safe and valued within relationships. 

What type of listener should you be?

Active Listener


True or false, the communication in lyrical music has no influence on individuals interact/engage within relationships?

False, Pop culture is highly influential on our society. Including informing young people about what to expect in relationships. Pop culture can also influence the way people blame or don't support victims of unhealthy relationships. 


Name 3 types of abuse that can happen in a relationship.

physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse, stalking, digital abuse, financial abuse, manipulation.


You start off with a solid foundation for a healthy relationship with your partner/friend. What is something that you will help your relationship grow?

Have discussions about realistic expectations while recognizing that relationships and people change. be flexible.