Cancer (early history)
Cancer throughout the years
Cancer Stats today
How to reduce risk

Month & year WHY ME filed with the state of Ohio

January 2022


In 460 BC. Hippocrates described several kinds of cancer, referring them to the term καρκινος. What does καρκινος mean?

 (carcinos), the Greek word for 'crab' or 'crayfish', as well as carcinoma


In the 1600s, cancer was vulgarly called what?

The Wolfe - The wolf holds great importance in the cultures and religions of many nomadic peoples, It's  sometimes been associated with witchcraft, mental illness and death. 


In 2024 it is estimated that_#________ will be the new cancer cases & deaths. 

A little over 2 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in the US in 2024  (cancer.org)


True or False: Eating a Nathan's all Beef Hot Dog once a week will decrease your chance of getting cancer.

False I love Nathan's and had to check this out!! Cut down on red and processed meats. (AARP) 


WHY ME provides gas card to how many local hospitals for transportation needs for their treatments?

4 - Mercy Willard, Firelands Sandusky, Cleveland Clinic Sandusky and Fisher Titus Norwalk.


In 1600 BC. how were breast tumors removed?

Cauterization - the disease had no treatment


18th century 1871-1874 The use of surgery to treat cancer had poor results due to ___________

problems with hygiene. Only 2 breast tumor patients out of 60 survive surgery for two years in 18th century.


This is the leading cause of cancer

What is lung and bronchus   - Breast cancer is 2nd


Aim for ____?______minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week

300 minutes  - in 2012 it was 150 minutes but 40 minutes per day is now best to reduce your risk (American Cancer Society)


True or False: Dani started WHY ME because she herself had Lyme disease.

 FALSE!!!  Breast cancer 


True or False:

There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. (University of Manchester in UK 2010)

True   Finding only one case of the disease in the investigation of hundreds of Egyptian mummies, with few references to cancer in literary evidence, proves that cancer was extremely rare in antiquity. The disease rate has risen massively since the Industrial Revolution


The  American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC) was formed by 15 physicians & professionals in 1913. In 1945 it changed the name to_______________

The American Cancer Society


This cancer _________in men is estimated to rise in 2024 to __________#

Prostate cancer in men is estimated to be 299,010 in 2024 (cancer.org)


Nearly 750,000 cases of cancer diagnosed worldwide in 2020 — or approximately 4 percent — can be attributed_______________

Alcohol - Cancers of the esophagus, liver and, in women, breast, were among the most common cancers linked to alcohol consumption 


One of the fundraising opportunities we have done in 2023 ___________________ (doesn't matter which)

Meatloaf Cook off, Natural Health Summit, Painting with Trudy, Summer Solstice, Ohio Wine Producers ($1/bottle sold at several wineries), D&D Smith Winery "We Care" line donations.


In 2016, an osteosarcoma was found in how old of remains (mummy) making it the oldest documented malignant cancer?

1.7 million years old



In 1971 we had a political war on cancer. What is the U.S. Federal law called created by then President Richard Nixon? 

 National Cancer Act of 1971 - in order to more effectively carry out the national effort against cancer


True or False:  Invasive female breast cancer incidence rates have been increasing by about 0.6% per year since the mid-2000s 

True - likely due at least in part to increases in excess body weight and reproductive trends, such as increases in age at first birth and decreases in number of childbirths 


True or False: Cancer screenings can detect abnormal cells before they become a problem. 

True -They can also find cancer early, when it may be easier to treat. 


True or False: Since the start of WHY ME we've raised over $15,000.00

True, 96% either went back out to people to help or is still in the account.


In the 16th & 17th centuries German professor Wilhelm Fabry believed breast cancer was caused from what?

caused by a milk clot in a mammary duct


1971-2008 How much has the US Government invested on cancer research?

$200 billion - total includes money invested by public and private sectors and foundations. 


True or False: The breast cancer death rate among females peaked in 1989 and has declined by 42% as of 2021 

True - earlier detection through screening mammography, increased breast cancer awareness, and improved treatment, translating to approximately 490,500 fewer breast cancer deaths than would have been expected if mortality had remained at its peak. 


True or False: Skin cancer is the most common kind of cancer in the United States.

True- wear sun screen and cover up when possible.