Balanced meal
Weight loss

This is the minimum number of fruits and vegetables that one should eat every day

What is 5


This is the number of minutes of exercise you should get per week for better health and weight loss

What is 150 minutes?


These are 2 examples of dairy foods

What are milk, soy milk, oat milk, almond milk and yogurt?


This is the amount of food that is suggested on the food label

What is serving size


Managing this will make it easier to eat healthy and lose weight

What is stress?


This is the number of glasses of water you should drink every day

What is 8?


This is the goal for the number of calories you should burn in 1 week with exercise

What is 2,000?


This is the area of the grocery store where you should start your shopping and spend majority of your time and money

What is shop the perimeter?


This is a strategy to eat healthy when eating out

What is plan out what you will eat before you go out, ask server to pack up 1/2 of you meal, choose a vegetable and salad for your sides?


This hormone is an appetite stimulant, can lead to greater intakes of more highly processed food, increases blood sugar and leads to increased formation of abdominal fat

What is cortisol?


These are something that is discussed in class that is part of your homework for the week.  It is designed to help you change your behaviors in regard to food and exercise

What is skill boosters?


This is an example of strength building exercise

What are Lifting weight
Using resistance bands
Chair dips

and others?


These are 2 examples of protein foods that are not meat

What are nuts, nut butters, greek yogurt, cheese, tofu, cottage cheese, soy bean, legumes, eggs, quinoa, fish, seafood?


This means that the food has 25% less of a specified nutrient or calories that the original product

What is "reduced?"


This brings full awareness to each bite of food.  It allows us to savor the moment and each bite of food

What is mindful eating?


These are Apps that are used for tracking your foods and/or exercise

What is "my fitness pal" and "my plate calorie counter"?

or any of the others discussed in class


This is an example of flexibility exercises

What is Shoulder and arm stretches
Back stretches
Calf stretches
Thigh stretches

and others?


These are 2 healthy fats that can be added to my meals to help make it balanced

What are Avocados, Flaxseeds, Nuts & Nut butters,

Olives, Pumpkin seeds, Coconut, Vegetable oils

(canola, corn, cottonseed, peanut, olive, coconut)?


This is the number of calories that should be in one's meal replacement

What is 400 calories or less?


This is a way of coping when you are feeling you are missing out because you cannot eat your favorite foods

What is now and then allow yourself to have favorite foods in small amounts


These are the five new skill for success (tools for your tool box)

What are eat 5 fruits/veggies, portioned meals, exercise, tracking, and changing behaviors?


These are the 4 types of exercise

What are endurance (aerobic or cardo), strength, balance and flexibility?


These are the six components of a balanced meal/plate

What are fruits, vegetables, whole grain (or starchy veg), protein, dairy, healthy fats?


These are the subcategories that you will find under total carbohydrates on a food label

What is dietary fiber, total sugar, added sugar, sugar alcohols? (name at least 3)


These are 3 ways to use food to improve your mood

What are eat at regular intervals, include all the essential food groups, don't forget vitamins nad minerals, limit processed foods, get omega 3 fatty acids, load up on fruits and veggies, eat dopamine building foods, eat foods high in magnesium, limit added sugar, get your vitamin d checked?