Trust & Respect
Emotional Abuse/Manipulation

This disney princess just sang one song with a random prince that showed up in her backyard and decided he was the “the one.”  

Snow White

We know that healthy relationships are based on building up trust and respect, and which can take some time.


This film has themes of prince “saving” the princesses from abusive and hostile households. We know it’s not uncommon for abusers to promise to “save” a partner from a hostile home, only to then inflict abuse upon their partner. 


What belief does that introduce to young kids?


This princess is very vocal about not wanting to be seen as just a prize and possession for her future husband. 


Setting up boundaries.


This Disney prince kisses her while she’s asleep, as people that are asleep cannot give consent. What movie is he in?

Snow White

It’s not romantic to be intimate with someone who cannot give consent, and that can actually be considered sexual assault.


This Manhattan Tycoon trader his girlfriend to keep property.

Chuck Bass - Gossip Girl

What would you say the unhealthy behavior is in this scenario?


This Disney princess  meets the prince once, has one dance with him, and then decides to get married to him when he finds her again at the end of the movie. 


You cannot know whether someone will be a healthy or trustworthy partner after only hanging out with them once.


Even though this prince is a dashing and charming, we know it’s common for unhealthy and abusive partners to pressure their partners into moving away from their support systems for them, and abuse can thrive in isolation.

Prince Eric - Little Mermaid


This romantic hero was spying on his love interest from outside of her bedroom window and climbed up to her balcony.


Even though Juliet was welcoming his advances, stalking and trespassing is against the law and her family could have pressed charges.


This sleeping beauty had another problem with consent. What was her "true love" trying to do?

Kiss her awake. That is a problematic belief for little kids to learn why?


This soccer player lied in order to play for a different team and was deceptive to people she began to care about.

She's the Man

What unhealthy behavior does this illustrate?


This princess never says a single word to her prince before deciding that it’s worth giving up her heritage and relationship with her family to be with him.


While there’s nothing wrong with having a crush on someone you haven’t spoken with before, it’s definitely not healthy to give up your life and your family just to be with them!


This man imprisons his future wife when she first stumbles onto his castle.

Beauty and the Beast

Holding someone against their will like that is definitely abusive and controlling behavior! Beast and Belle don’t get along at all in the beginning, and Beast even lashes out and yells at her. We know that yelling and screaming at a partner are emotionally abusive behaviors.


This girl ignored her values and lowered her boundaries all for the sake of fake friends and popularity. 

Cady- Mean Girls

It's important to hold true to your values and boundaries in romance and friendship.


This Werewolf forces a kiss on his crush to try and make her "love" him back. 

Jacob - Twilight

Then he gets punched.


This outer banks duo has a toxic relationship. 

Rafe is often leering and disrespectful towards Sarah, calling her name more than once.


There’s a big issue around these two bonding with each other even though one has no voice, and can’t communicate with the other.

Little Mermaid - Eric and Ariel

Being able to build a healthy relationship with someone is based on supportive and open communication, whether that’s through verbally speaking, ASL or other forms of communication, it’s extremely hard to build up that healthy relationship with someone if we can’t communicate in some way with them.


Throughout most of the movie, this boy disguised himself as a prince so that he can meet with a girl, and she remains unaware of his true background.


We know that this is really unhealthy, since it’s never ok to lie and manipulate your partner into believing that you are someone that you’re really not. Healthy relationships are based on trust and being open and honest with your partner. If you feel like you can’t be your true self around your partner, then this might be a sign that the relationship isn’t for you.


Similarly to Belle, this New Orleans princess is initially annoyed with her Prince's laidback and carefree manner, and the two don’t really get along at all at the start of the movie.


It’s ok to know that you don’t get along with someone and be open and honest about not wanting to be with them. We all have the right to set boundaries about who we want or don’t want to date.

This show does not address that teenagers cannot consent by law to sexual acts with people above the age of 17. 


In the state of NY is it against the law for people over 17 to engage in sexual acts with individuals under 17 even when consent is given.


Explain how the relationship between Belly and  Conrad in the summer I turned pretty is unhealthy.



These two children entered a women's house and received treats. 

Hansel and Gretel 

This can be considered an example of grooming where groomers can treat you and make you feel special so you believe you can trust them. An adult groomer will try to meet a child's needs to gain and manipulate trust.


There’s a whole issue surrounding this "lover" progressively becoming more kind towards this person as he starts to realize how caring and nice she is.

Beauty and the Beast

This is problematic since we know that we can’t change someone, no matter how nice or understanding we are towards them. Abusers won’t change if we just show them enough kindness, and it’s unhealthy to think that we can change a partner this way. A lot of Disney princess movies have a theme of “you’re not my type, but you will become my type,” and this can be an issue since we’re never obligated to stick with someone to see if they’ll change or become better — and doing so can be unhealthy.


These lethal lovers had a willingness to marry someone they knew for a day and die for someone they knew for less then a week. 

Romeo & Juliet

Intensity and obsession are signs of unhealthy boundaries.


This femme fatale impersonates an identical looking female and kisses two of her male counterparts without their consent. 

Katherine - The Vampire Diaries


Give us some examples of unhealthy behaviors illustrated in bye bye birdie.

Thank you!